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COVID 19 concerns

70 years of development for the 'normal' flue virus vaccine and a 40% success rate.

8 months of development for the covid vaccine and a 'claimed' 95% success rate.

Any hot rodder/racer with a basic graps of things, will laugh at the figures claimed by the big pharmaceutical companies and our guardian angle Mr Gates.

Make your own minds up people, but do some RESEARCH first.
The percentage of deaths is so low and being retired makes isolation so easy I think I will wait a while.

I still work a 50+ hour a week job around the public, that does have an effect on my decision making process.

Assuming that because this was accomplished in such a short time frame, that somehow makes it more suspect, fails to take into account the incredible amount of funding that was able to go into the multiple R&D teams that would normally have taken years to equal, as well as the accumulated understanding from past R&D that effectively put some companies a leg up on others.

Don't forget what the naysayers of the time said about the Salk Polio vaccine that no doubt saved some of us from living in an iron lung if we were lucky, and dead if we weren't.
It also fails to take into account the many vested interests in bringing it to market. Not to mention the tyranny being imposed on vast numbers of people by uninformed and politically led assholes

I feel this is a subject that not only divides people but puts them at loggerheads.

I know no one that even remotely believes 90% of what the media or politicians say. Death rates are recorded here, as 'with or by Covid' there is no distinction so the number are worthless.

This is now the world we live in.....

COVID new strain?. Extra police deployed to ensure Christmas travel bans followed
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While I employ my mask and stand six feet from my computer when posting, I don’t believe .01% of the mass media hype. I will sit this one out. I am not a conspiracy theorist, perse’, but I can smell BS without being told to sniff it. Look up “the great reset”. It is frightening and infuriating.
My Family Doctor told me a long time ago not to trust doctors. I ask why? He said any fool that tells you to take something and call me in the morning--if you call it's working--if not he wont get that call.

Nature has all you need to live in this world and politics and money have given the US citizens no chance to use natural means of healing.

Any man made vaccines or other drugs will always kill some or have so many side effects that it is worse than the original diagnosis. I know as I took a Statin for one week and it crippled me so I could not walk and the EMS stopped to see if I was OK while mowing the grass -I just had to sit down as my muscles just contracted so bad I couldn't move anymore.. Took me a year to get over that Shite. Still have mobility problems. The original Polio vaccine killed 168 children before they found out the cause and changed the vaccine. Still some were crippled by the vaccine for life.

So NO I wont be taking ANYTHING to help my health except natural things. and especially to drink the cool aid furnished by my government.

I love my Country but I fear my Government--we are headed in the WRONG direction and I will fight for my freedom.

Political and wrong thread--I know. Please excuse me as I am old and DGAD!!
I work 7 months a year in a county park; I'm and 'essential worker'. Like IG, I come in contact with a lot of people and the COVID risk is significant. Like many of the rest of you, I'm a senior citizen, I've also had pneumonia, bronchitis and strep numerous times. If I get COVID19, it's likely to be deadly. Like Island Girl, I'll get the shot asap.
I have already gotten notice from my doctor that I am in the first group to receive the vaccine when they get it in January. One of my sons has already gotten his, since he is doctor. Just hope it don't cause me to grow another eye or nose.
I have already gotten notice from my doctor that I am in the first group to receive the vaccine when they get it in January. One of my sons has already gotten his, since he is doctor. Just hope it don't cause me to grow another eye or nose.
Please, keep us informed about your sons reactions to the vaccine
What about the digital signature needles being proposed? I’m not mocking anyone for their decision, it is theirs to make. My mind is set. Bill Gates, the guy who stole the technology that made him rich and fleeces every customer via ransom ware, endless phone calls, etc, is now the trusted voice of reason on vaccines? Seriously? SMH! BTW, I at one time defended him... but I recant. As for the first phase vaccine, I’m not sold on it personally... trusting of big brother I am not. I wish you all the best, hope my fears are not merited.

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