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Francis Blake

Active Member
Hi guys my computer went belly up again (big virus) am visiting my son and using his computer while he is fixing mine so it will be Tuesday, before mine is ready. Wanted to let RPM know I picked up my parts and all is well will be calling for some more parts soon
I would recommend looking into a Mac, if you don't have a lot invested in your computer. Or if you are looking to up grade.

I'll second the MAC thing. I have NEVER had a virus.

I have a PC and have dealt with MAC and PCs since 1985. I know PCs are targets for the bad guys but I have NEVER had a virus take me down. My free anti-virus programs stop them.
Nothing wrong with a MAC.. just nothing wrong with a PC either.
Get yourself AVG Free and "Spybot Search and Destroy". That's what all of my clients have and I never have to deal with viruses on their systems.
PCs are just tools to be used.
Good luck with yours.
Francis Blake said:
Hi guys my computer went belly up again (big virus) am visiting my son and using his computer while he is fixing mine so it will be Tuesday, before mine is ready. Wanted to let RPM know I picked up my parts and all is well will be calling for some more parts soon

Francis, "Crash" is an awful subject line for a hot rod forum :eek:, but I am really glad to see that it is only your computer that did the crashing.

I am sure that you will be back up and running soon.

Ya... when I read "crash" a computer was the last thing on my mind.. Thought I'd see an awful sight. :welcome:
Glad I didn't
Me too that was mean I thought we where going though another Tfeverfred incident again. Computers sometimes you love them and sometimes you just want to smash them.
I can testify to the AVG free and Spybot Search and Destroy's effectiveness that GizmoJoe suggested. I'm only running that for virus protection and have not run into any problems.

I'm also using Ccleaner (formerly Crap Cleaner) for the registry.

When I saw "crash" as the title for this thread, I was expecting something much worse. Something like somebody's pride and joy bucket smashed up or worse.
I agree .. CC is a good tool as well. There many others (Ad-Aware, Malware Bytes, Super Anti-Spyware, etc.) but some are scams so you have to be careful and do some research.
At this point the MAC is less prone to bad stuff but that is changing. There are viruses that have been created just for the MAC.
It's the same old thing.. people stand up and shout that they can't be hurt and the bad guys say.. oh ya? We'll see about that.
After nearly 25 years in the business I may not have seen it all... but I've seen a lot.
I'll shut up about computers now. ;)
On a different note.. I scored a set of coil-overs and mounts today! :) :) :)
Just like Christmas.
As someone who has a PC and an iMac sitting side by side on the desk, let me advise you to run whichever system you feel the most comfortable with. I like the iMac, but for the money I spent on it, I could have purchased a lot more PC processing power. The iMac appears stable, but when I rotate into the next computer upgrade (read when I can afford to make an upgrade that is already 12 months past due), I will not be purchasing any more Apple products.

If you fall for the trap that Apple's do not and can not get virii, I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale. As the Mac products increase their market share, the crackers will become more interested in writing Mac exploits than they already have been.

Apple: Mac users should run multiple anti-virus | Zero Day |

Apple Quietly Admits Macs Get Viruses

If you want to feel protection from virii because of the particular Operating System you use, my recommendation is to install a Linux distro on your PC and save your money. One of the more stable and more supported Linux offerings is also available for the low cost of absolutely nothing - What is Ubuntu? | Ubuntu

Some Windoze users cringe at the thought of trying to use a Linux distro because they do not want to learn to use a command line prompt. Let me tell you, those days are over. If you're worried about learning a new OS, you're going to do that with a Mac anyway. And the latest and greatest Mac OS, Snow Leopard, is actually evolving from Linux anyway, so what is the real difference? Well, a 20" iMac is going for about $1200 and Ubuntu is free, so you do the math.

Take a look at the features in Ubuntu - Features | Ubuntu Desktop Edition You can download Ubuntu for free, burn it to a CD-ROM and test it out for yourself without having to install it. It will run rather slow since you are swapping everything within the OS in off the CD, but it will let you see how simple Linux has become in the last few years.

If the idea of installing an OS scares you off, look into Wubi - Wubi - Ubuntu Installer for Windows A Wubi install isn't quite as sleek and spiffy as a standard Ubuntu install, but most of you will never notice the difference.

If you don't like Ubuntu, look into openSUSE, Mint, Fedora, Mandriva, Sabayon or any of the other available distros - Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD.

For the record, this box is a Dell XPS PC, dual-booting Windows Ex-Pee and Ubuntu 9.04, a.k.a. Jaunty Jackalope. Sitting right next door is an iMac running OS X Snow Leopard and Windoze Ex-Pee under Parallels. In the great room is a PC running Ubuntu 7.10, a.k.a. Gutsy Gibbon. None of these boxes has ever come down with so much as a sniffle, not matter which OS I am running. Two Computers, four operating systems, five Web browsers and one e-mail client with a total of twenty-one e-mail addresses. Two of the computers have no add-on virus protection whatsoever, outside what is native to the OS. I've been online for 28 years with all manner of computers and operating systems. The number of virii any of those systems has come down with? Zero.

I know you Mac users would all rather fight than switch and I support that. But as for myself, I don't need to defend the iMac (or the Snow Leopard update) simply because of all the money I spent on it. It's a smart-looking and very solidly-built computer, but beyond that it leaves me cold. :) I will admit to being an old dog and maybe I am just resistant to new tricks, but then again, aren't tricks for kids?

The best virus protection scheme available is the one between your ears. Be smart and you'll never have trouble with a virus. Open every forwarded e-mail that has an attachment you simply have to view and you'll be plagued with problems the rest of your life.
"The best virus protection scheme available is the one between your ears."
Oh how true, how true!

It doesn't matter what you do.. you have use some care and caution.
What I find with many of my clients (still run a small business) it isn't them wh cause the issues.. it's the nephews and nieces and such who come over for a visit. They wind up doing "stuff" that creates messes. :mad:

We (at the college where I am currently employed.. but going on strike most likely in the next week :) ) run all of the above mentioned OSs and a number of much bigger ones for our many servers (13 campuses province-wide, all connected). I get a kick out of the hype from all of them.
Once, at a 3-day seminar, the "gurus" were say how secure their systems were. That evening as the elbow got bent more often the true stories came out.
Let's all go back to an abacus. Abacuses? Abacii?
Now this is livin'!

I decided it was time to install Ubuntu Linux on my iMac. I set up Jaunty as a dual boot with Snow Leopard. Within about an hour, I was getting pretty frustrated with it - no Airport and no sound. Since the iMac sits on the desk alongside my PC and the wireless router, I just plugged an Ethernet cable in to get back online.

The sound issue nearly wore me out. I fought and cussed and fought some more. I spent about 4 more hours, but I finally got the sound working. And you know, I am suddenly enjoying my iMac. After nearly 2 years, I finally feel comfortable with it. I had refused to hate the machine, after spending a small fortune on it. But now, I am really liking it.

I reckon there is no harm in leaving Snow Leopard on it, but I've not booted OS X since I installed Ubuntu. Why would i ever want to?

For all you Apple fans out there, I have finally joined your ranks.

Are there any other Linux users out there? What flavor distro are you running and what are the likes and dislikes?

I lean toward Ubuntu because it is growing quickly. Earlier releases were not so kind, but with the exception of the issues on the iMac, things work much better now. The install on my PC was totally painless. It recognized everything right off the bat. And the support community at Ubuntu is second to none. Their support forums have over 925,000 members and over 7.5 MILLION posts. Most of the answers are already there.

Hmmm, should I upgrade the iMac to Karmic Koala, to see if the Airport issue has been resolved? :)
Sorry about the crash thing, wasn't thinkin . back up and runnin now have two virus blockers and am running lenox (computor keeps telling me I'm spellin it wrong)supposed to be allmost virus proof.we'll see how it works.Any way back to the project am going to order some radius rods from ron soon when they get here I will be ready to put them on and post a few pics.Let the fun begin.
Congrats Mike.
I hope it works well for you.
I put Ububtu, Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) or Open Suse on some desktops and Suse Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) on a couple of servers.
Ubuntu installs so well and seems to be a decent platform for avereage users.
"Reasonable" installations of apps helps things a lot.
The distro you use should depend on the tasks you have to complete with the system.
My son uses a bunch of them depending on the situation. He's a UNIX nut from the early 80s. I'm "fairly" new to it but teach a course using SLES and SLED to students who have already had a Windows 2008 course, mainly dealing with DHCP, DNS and LDAP/AD connectivity.

And congrats Francis... may the viruses not find you.
I need to take your class! :lol:

It seems openSUSE and Mint are a couple of popular distros. Mandriva looks interesting, too. I may throw some of them on the PC out in the great room, just to give them a test drive. :yay:

I used Kubuntu Feisty Fawn a couple years back. KDE is pretty slick, but for some reason I came back to GNOME.

As each new release comes along, things get smoother and smoother. Most people are afraid of installing a new OS, but it's really getting better. And I think if someone were to install something like one of the *buntu distros on a computer and give it back to its rightful owner, they would be every bit as comfortable with it as they are with Windows or OS X. Most people hear the word Linux and freeze, because they are agraid of using the CLI. With the package managers, it's rare to ever need to open a terminal.

It's just nice to have options and Linux certainly provides that.
Agreed. Things are improving for us non-linux-nerds.

Ubuntu installed easier on my old Dell D600 laptop easier than XP did. All the silly buttons on the laptop worked first thing. All drivers were loaded automatically.

I use servers for authentication, DNS, DHCP and some file and printer sharing (no Web stuff).
Windows Server 2003 has been a great platform for us but it isn't free. Open Suse does a great job but as with any Linux distro you have to fuss a bit to make clients of different OS types be happy compared to using the same OS platform as your NOS.
The iMac has been upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10 Beta, the Karmic Koala.

I have a Sony VAIO that seems to be at least 50 years old. Running XP, it feels older than that. I upgraded it from Gutsy Gibbon to Jaunty Jackalope and it runs like a brand-new machine. Yesterday, I drug out some LiveCD's of some other distros. I looked at (and was sorely tempted by) openSUSE. I then looked at Mandriva which looks interesting in its own right.

But I finally decided to overwrite the Ubuntu installation with an Ubuntu variant, Linux Mint.

I think if someone wants to try stepping away from Windows to see how the real world lives, Mint is a pretty good choice. I think the Mint environment is about as close to Windows as any distro I have seen. It has a classy feel to it and uses the Ubuntu repositories, so it can be easily modified.

Somebody kick me quick, afore I install Mint on everything. :eek:
Ive recently became a Bill Gates hater after have Windows Server 03 R2 crash and having to reload everything because the software crashed and was unrecoverable. I really had no choice but to reinstall windows but everytime i have someone here at the office that gets a virus or what not, I end up using the Live version of Ubuntu to either fix the pc or get the important files and reload.

I have installed Ubuntu on my laptop and am using XP on a virtual machine for windows apps. Its great and I love it... the biggest downfall so far has been getting comm ports to load through the VM. I dont guess that really has any relevance to this but as far as the OS itself, I have had no problems. Some programs are a little tricky to install because of the packaging of the file but there is always sites on the internet of how to unpackage them. my 2 cents

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