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Cutting steering column.


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Supporting Member
How do you cut one down? I lowered my seats and the column is way to high now. It appears there is some sort of nutsert in the end of the column can I cut that off and reweld it or can/should I find another? If another is needed where do I get it?
Here are some pics of it. Sorry it's dark if needed I can get better ones tomorrow.


Ok here are some better shots.

Here is the end of the column

This is with the stud the wheel bolts to
Since thats tubing you can cut it anyplace you want then cut to length.Get a piece of angle iron and clamp the pieces together after you champer the ends then weld it together.The angle will make sure it stays straight.
is that shaft keyed or dose it have a flat on it??

point i reall want to make here is, if that end dosen't have splines, a key or something to lock that steering hub in position, change it so it dose!!!!! imagine going down the road at speed and turning the steering wheel but the car keeps going straight. let me tell ya ... that'll make your butt pucker!!!!

if that car came to my shop, i would shorten your column buy cutting the end off as rick suggested and use the end off another shaft with the splines on it when it went back together.

Youngster said:
point i reall want to make here is, if that end dosen't have splines, a key or something to lock that steering hub in position, change it so it dose!!!!! imagine going down the road at speed and turning the steering wheel but the car keeps going straight. let me tell ya ... that'll make your butt pucker!!!!

if that car came to my shop, i would shorten your column buy cutting the end off as rick suggested and use the end off another shaft with the splines on it when it went back together.


Yea that has happened already in my yard. There is only the stud you see. So where can I turn up a splined end to weld on there or better yet what are my options to just replace the whole thing? The column goes straight down to the box which is at my feet and it is supposed to have set screws that hold it but without the bracket on the bottom of the column you can just pull the shaft off the box.
that's one very good option ORF. other wise go to a yard and get the top foot or so of a shaft the same diameter as the one on your current box.


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