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Dates for 2022 NTBA events


Staff member
A Note From The NTBA President
Hi All,
Some of you have been asking about next years events. I know that a lot of you need to have dates and locations as early as possible so you can plan vacations.
We’re still working on a few things, but I can give you what we have so far. These dates and locations are confirmed, however there may be slight changes such as the town name next door instead. I want to have the schedule completely finished by the end of December because it all has to go off to the printers for T shirts.
We’re also looking at ideas for 2023.

Events for 2022:
Christchurch, New Zealand. February 3-6
Clearwater, Tampa Bay Area, FL. March 3-5
North Carolina/ kitty Hawk. April 21-23
Nazareth, Texas. May 5-7
Gulfport, MS May 26-28
Rapid City, SD. June 16-18
NTBA Nationals Bowling Green, KY. July 13-16
Columbia, MO. September 8-10
Collinsville, IL. October 6-8

We’ll have the finished schedule shortly. Like I always say, “it’ll be here before we know it!”
Have a great Holiday Season and a Merry Christmas and enjoy the time with family and friends.

Bruce DeAngelis
NTBA President

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When May comes around, y'all will raise the population of that town by about 20% or more.

Gulfport is three states away, but an hour & a half closer to my part of Texas.

Now I just need to get busy on a bucket...

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