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Doing it for Dad

Dwb project

New Member
Hi all, I signed up because I need some direction.
My dad taught me a lot about cars, and I spent my nights and weekends working with him out in the garage when I was young. Life happens, work, wife, kids, etc.... I spent less time helping the old man on his projects and just enjoying the time with my dad.
Feb of 2006 my dad calls me and asked me to swing by his place on my way home from work to show me his latest project. A 67' Dodge A100 pickup......I wasn't a fan, but he loved to rebuild what you don't see all the time. He wanted me to help him with this one, and at the time I needed a distraction from my own issues. So every weekend I spent working on that truck with him. HIs plans were crazy as always, but the look on that mans face while he talked was contagious.
My dad passed away suddenly in March of 07' when we were just about done with the engine rebuild .......and I made myself a promise to finish that ugly truck.
I would go out and put an hour or so into it, I just couldn't do it without him. That was our bonding time, our time to talk about life. I kept saying I would get it done next month, or the next month. It got to the point that the rust and rot on the body just became too much, and I threw in the towel. I broke that promise to myself and failed my father.
Fast forward 12 years.....My sons came to me about 2 months ago and asked about the motor and transmission sitting in the back of the shed and what my plans were for it. (I had to keep something) I told them it was their grandfathers, and I didn't think I could finish it without him. They asked if I could finish it with their help.
After a bit of a breakdown by gave me that drive again. So now I am here. My dad always wanted a T bucket, he described it to me many times. So my plan is to rebuild and use the drivetrain from his truck as the heart of his dream car.
I want to keep it all Mopar if possible. I have stripped the block down, and started over on the rebuild. Its a 71'-74' 360 block. What options do I have, and where do I start?

Sorry for the long story. Trust me it took a lot longer for me to write then it did for you to read it.
Welcome, Dwb! That MOPAR small block "LA" engine should be a great power plant for a T-bucket. Quite a bit of after market speed parts available. Mate it to a Torqueflite 727 tranny and rear end of your choice and it should provide plenty of-get-up-and-go.

Here's an example:
Shari's T.jpg
Welcome from New Mexico and I sure enjoyed reading your story.....We can help.....
You've come to the right place for help and motivation!

Welcome to the forum from Oklahoma!
Welcome from the always warm sunny Caribbean . . . :cool:

A couple questions to fill in some blanks . . . .

How old and mechanically skilled are your sons . . will they actually want to and be able to help, or is it more of a "bonding time" like you had with your dad.

Did you save the rear end, or just the engine /trans, and is it a manual trans, (much more likely being from a truck) that's not a deal breaker, but bucket bodies have very limited foot space and getting a 3rd pedal in can be a challenge . . . even to experienced builders.

We have a number of sponsors that make first rate frames and bodies, which would make a great place to start the journey. It sounds like a great family project.

Thanks for the warm welcome from you all.
Let me see if I can answer the questions. I have the automatic TCI transmission that my dad planned on using, not sure what it is. I researched the numbers on it(746-12), but came up with nothing. I will try and add some pictures below. I did find info on the torque converter, as it is still in the box. description : TCI 11" Breakaway Torque Converter 72- 80 Chrysler Torqueflite 904-998 Non lock up.
My boys are 18 and almost 21. They both took auto body in high school, and have helped me with some smaller projects here and there.

Its not letting my post any pictures yet.
Thanks for the warm welcome from you all.
Let me see if I can answer the questions. I have the automatic TCI transmission that my dad planned on using, not sure what it is. I researched the numbers on it(746-12), but came up with nothing. I will try and add some pictures below. I did find info on the torque converter, as it is still in the box. description : TCI 11" Breakaway Torque Converter 72- 80 Chrysler Torqueflite 904-998 Non lock up.
My boys are 18 and almost 21. They both took auto body in high school, and have helped me with some smaller projects here and there.

Its not letting my post any pictures yet.

You need 10 posts to post pictures, so make replies in multiple posts to get your post count up.

Since you have a nice auto, should make the project go easier. . . do you still have the mopar rear?

Is it planned as a long term project, a little at a time, or a "let's get 'er done" project.

How are you situated for shop tools and can you weld and fabricate, sounds like you've had some experience along those lines.

Lot of guys here have been building these from scratch for decades, a few others, mostly newbies like myself, opted for a kit to be sure we didn't get in over our heads and then loose interest of have problems we couldn't fix.

There's options for almost every budget and skill level.
I do not have the rear. Unfortunately it went with the truck.
Of course I want to get it done yesterday, but I want to make sure I do it right and safe.
I have pretty much everything I need in my garage to get it done I believe. I also have friends that own their own shops, so if I need something, I can reach out. I'll need to get more wire for my mig welder, and brush up on my skills. (its been awhile)
I looked at a few kits, but not sure which way to go just yet.
Maybe you can use other parts of a 67' dodge like tail lights and/or dash panel etc...
I do not have the rear. Unfortunately it went with the truck.
Of course I want to get it done yesterday, but I want to make sure I do it right and safe.
I have pretty much everything I need in my garage to get it done I believe. I also have friends that own their own shops, so if I need something, I can reach out. I'll need to get more wire for my mig welder, and brush up on my skills. (its been awhile)
I looked at a few kits, but not sure which way to go just yet.

Sounds like you're pretty well set to tackle a T.

The original 23 T dimensions can be pretty cramped and uncomfortable, but fortunately, all the kit manufacturers have a plus sized body available that's a little longer and wider than the original, and well worth it in the long run. Most, if not all, also have it available with a working door on at least 1 side.

Lots of little things in the initial plan than can make the car a dream for years and generations to come.

What was Dad's dream T bucket like?
In my dad's words... "2 seats and a big ass motor" lol.
He talked about the beer keg type gas tank, and having a little bit of storage.
He use to have Rat Fink posters all over his garage.
Blue seemed to be his color of choice for his cars. He was in the Army for 22 years as a Tank Commander, loved his 50's music, and dressed like a greaser until the day he passed.
Welcome from Wisconsin. Glad your sons gave you the push in the right direction. Need help just ask. The guys on this sight are awesome including Island Girl. Check out her build. She picked a color of blue you may like. They all have helped me when I asked. Great people.

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