Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Don't try this at home


Well-Known Member
...unless you like living on the bleeding edge. Be aware, this could be an excellent experience for you. It could just as easily be a computer disaster for you. If you're not comfortable using pre-release software, I recommend staying away. You have been warned.

I've grabbed a copy of the nightly build of Firefox 3.7 Alpha-pre Minefield and it is amazingly fast. :thumb: If this is the future of Firefox, I can promise everyone is going to love it.
And now back on Namaroka (Firefox) 3.6. It's the difference between night and day.

Neither 3.6 or 3.7 aren't capable of using the Rich Text Editor, so you won't be able to see your text entry with WYSIWYG, rather it will be raw BBCode.

That being said, I'm heading back to Minefield, as it is considerably faster than this.
...unless you like living on the bleeding edge. Be aware, this could be an excellent experience for you. It could just as easily be a computer disaster for you. If you're not comfortable using pre-release software, I recommend staying away. You have been warned.

I've grabbed a copy of the nightly build of Firefox 3.7 Alpha-pre Minefield and it is amazingly fast. :thumb: If this is the future of Firefox, I can promise everyone is going to love it.

I like speed where does one get this?
You can get the nightly build for Windows at THIS LINK.

Gang wary, as it is definitely a development release. I notice it has some javascript issues on some sites. I'm used to using Alpha & Beta releases, so I'm not too fussed about it. I rarely use any of the text editor buttons to insert images or links anyway, so I'm comfortable with using the BBCode to do what I want.

I've Firefox 3.5.7, 3.6 and 3.7a1pre installed on this particular box and I'm already locked into using 3.7. It flies.

     Ron Pope Motorsports                Advertise with Us!     