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let me re ask this question about doors in t-bucket. i was thinking about putting a door on the drivers side along with a door on passenger side has this been done before or you just but the door on the passenger side only thanks
I've seen it, but it looks like you'd really need to stiffen things up. Someone n the NTBA has done it. Cool idea, though.
thought about taking 3/4 thin walled sq tubing and build a cage that goes inside the body so you can mount like hinges for doors or other stuff i tkink there was another post on here that showed some pictures of the frame that goes inside the body
i know someone who has done this and he says next time he's not going to bother. he is usually seen stepping over the side to get in. the steering wheel is the obstical. if you were to use a quick disconnect, it would be easier to get in and you have an anti-theft device as well. a properly wooded body won't fold up but you need to be sure to use plenty of inner-structure around the doors.


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