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Dummy boxed in

skinny mike

Supporting Member
Supporting Member
So..a couple months ago after making the deal on the T, I hurried home to move stuff in the garage to make room. Two car garage and I NEVER park our cars outside at night. I work in metal, built stuff. Huff and puff, made room. Next day I got the T home after an eye opening drive,got it inside, and with the floor jack got it moved over to the right so I can park the daily driver inside without hitting anything. Big grin even knowing it had a couple things to fix. Up on jackstands. and begin working...HAH! No room on the right side dummy! Gotta climb over the right front wheel, get in the bucket and reach to access my bench and stuff hanging behind on the wall. It ain't like the bikes and just move it around. It's bigger and on the stands. Soooo it's very evident I've got a bit of creative rearrangement after I get the bucket running and rolling again. SHEESH! (smack head).
I feel your pain. I've resorted to keeping my bucket and my wife's car in the garage, and letting my beater pickup truck ('95 Ford Ranger) sit outside.:cool::rolleyes:
Indycars, I'm thinking seriously of doing that, but, seems like I'm throwing a lot of bucks at it to make it right (and fix MY mistakes). Those dollies would be great. Then my luck they would get hung up in that joint running down the middle of the floor. Right now I need to slide under the thing.
Indycars, I'm thinking seriously of doing that, but, seems like I'm throwing a lot of bucks at it to make it right (and fix MY mistakes). Those dollies would be great. Then my luck they would get hung up in that joint running down the middle of the floor. Right now I need to slide under the thing.

Well Mike, how skinny are you?
Pretty thin, but still that car is close to my nose and, I'm laying on just an old blanket. Maybe I need those taller stands, then a jack that raises higher...etc, etc. They say a house is a money pit. Get a hot rod! Heh, heh!
I have a similar situation, so I feel your pain. I only have a 2 car and after bring the bucket home I needed to re arrange everything so I could park it and have work space. I bought a fold out work bench from home depot and installed that in front of the T so I now have a dedicated T bench. It has a lower shelf that I STRONGLY advice you screw in place and I installed some harbor freight casters so it rolls around and out of the way when needed. It has worked out wonderful and was cheap ($80) When I can post pics Ill show you my setup.

Unfortunately I have to keep 2 nice cars (I know, rough problem) in the garage so I have to play the re arrange sometimes when working on the T.
Heaven would be a space with room and, not have to move anything to get a task done. Ahhhhh….
Engineboy -I look forward to seeing your pics, as I had a hard time visualizing it folded up!
Engineboy -I look forward to seeing your pics, as I had a hard time visualizing it folded up!

I dont have any pictures of it closed (folded) but it is no taller than the top portion, so maybe 4 inches thick. Its a little flimsy with the lower shelf not screwed into place but really not bad at all. For the price I thought it was a great option considering my limited space. Im going to buy a couple more.



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