Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Electric Fan


Went to the GoodGuys Show today and looked for electric fans in the vendors building. Looked at SPAL. They seem to put out a lot of air. I have also looked into DERALE. I am going to need a 12" or 13".

Anyone running either one of these? Suggestions for a good fan would sure be appreciated.

Thanks, Guys

Oh yeah, saw Eric's (Eafree) T out there. He sure was proud to finally have it out and about. Hope mine will be out there the next show.
Both Dad and I have Spal's in our '27's for several years now. I'm happy with it--it pushes plenty of air and is fairly quiet. They are a bit more $$ than the cheaper ones at the parts stores, but they are pretty reliable. Here's a pic of mine:
I have Spals on every car I own plus another on the shelf. They seem to last for ever (I have never had one quit) and cool very well. They are expensive but the cheapo unit the previous owner put on my bucket didn't last 2000 miles in 3 years. You get what you pay for.

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