Hahaha, yea, its just a thing I got....some builders paint the inside of the motor, the lifter valley for faster oil drainback....its just a quirk of mine. Hey, they look good!
For anyone that wants to know, Holley started putting the blow out preventers in all carbs in '92. A really quick check on power valves, IF you can run your mixture screws all the way in and your motor dies, your PV is OK....unless MAJOR INTERNAL MODS have been made!
So I guess the Tech was blowing a little smoke.Since holley only uses a 1 digit year number , a 7 could be '57-'67-'77-'87 etc. ... no way of telling...
Yes, I would say that was a correct statement.SO , you're saying that under light acceleration you get a bog??
Sticky advance weights, or no weights are a typical culprit.
If you think you need more fuel earlier, you need to change the power valve from 6.5 to a higher number. I would go to a 7.5. If you want to take a manifold vacuum reading at idle in gear, it may verify your diagnosis. You can also vary the pv opening by running an air filter making it open sooner or removing the filter making the pv's open later. I doubt the secondaries are an issue at 2200 rpm part throttle bog, but a passenger can watch the linkage for you. If you get a chance, how about some pics of the set up after the re-do.
Backfiring thru the carb is either lean or not enough timing , how much initial , vac. disconnected & plugged? What cam , compression? How much total adv.[initial+mech.] & when is it all -in?
Easy way to check if the PV's are in play is to connect a vacuum gauge & drive "into" the problem & see what the gauge tells you.
Random thought, sounds "maybe" as if it could be going lean when it runs out of pump shot ??? If that's the case then larger pri. jets would be in order...