New Member
What are all of you with flat tappet cams running for oil? Are you running a zinc supplement? I found Royal Purple Racing oil that has the zinc in it. It is only $9.00 a quart.
After looking at the research info I have come to the conclusion to use the Valvoline VR1, it contains 75 to 80% more zinc than most other conventional and synthetic oils, Mobil 1 is not formulated for flat tappets, and Amsoil and Joe Gibbs racing oils are good but are not readily available like the Valvoline, they have it at Autozone, O'Reily, and Advance so if you ever need some it can be gotten easily. They do make 2 different styles, one is full synthetic in the black bottle and one is a conventional crude oil based in the silver bottle. Might be higher than normal oil but how many times do you change per year, and is it enough to warrant what a new engine or rebuild will cost? You can use regular oil and the zinc additive but it is $12-15 for one small bottle of it and that is the difference in cost almost and I trust buying an oil with it already formulated in it better than hoping it mixes correctly with the oil you choose.....