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Explaining it


Well-Known Member
I got the estimate to fix my radiator and it will be more than a new one.:eek: So, I go the Auto Zone and ordered a '65 Mustang unit. No worries, it'll have a warranty and do fine.

Now, the rant. The kid at the counter gave me the generic, "What year, make and model" crap. Lucky for me, the manager came out and is a good friend and took care of the kid. It was almost comical the two of us explaining what a "Hot Rod" is.

So, here's a video that I always watch when I just can't figure out the why of this hobby. I watch, I listen and then I go and grab a wrench.

[ame="[media=youtube]WXU3N9wT3u0[/media]"]YouTube - Hot Rodding is Dead[/ame]

Oh... Miss Fortune is gonna be a little BIT*H!:lol: Video soon!:lol:
tfeverfred said:
Now, the rant. The kid at the counter gave me the generic, "What year, make and model" crap. Lucky for me, the manager came out and is a good friend and took care of the kid. It was almost comical the two of us explaining what a "Hot Rod" is.

I feel your frustration Fred. I've gone to the local parts store here more than once to get a part and I've been asked the same questions. I started telling them it was for a 1923 Ford Model T roadster with a small block Chevy. They would give me a dumb look and say "Oh". The best one though is the store's manager. He has a love affair with the computer and whenever you need a part he will go into the computer to find it. I know he won't find it there and I tell him that and when he finally makes the discovery himself I them tell him to look in one of the myriad of parts books that are on the counter. Then he finds the part. And this was the routine every time I went into the store. It finally got fed up with his ignorance and I quit going there and I now travel 25 miles to another town to a parts store where the employees know what is going on.
I'm lucky here. All the guys here at the Franklinton Advanced Auto have Hot Rods of some sort. The manager is building a pro-street s-10 and TJ, well he reminds me of Jesse James. He has the Tatts the dress and attitude and the Rat Rods from Hell that he builds in his dads shop. And he is about 27 if that. Alot of the times they don't even look in the computer they just grab it.:cool:
I had a fun time with Advanced Auto here when I was putting the last set up in my Vette. I needed a small cap hei dist. with an ext. coil so I tell the guy what I'm after and he goes through the whole Year, make model thing. I explain that he isn't going to find what I want there so he just stares at me. I finally tell him what to search for and it pops up. He was just pushing the buttons I told him too, I could have done it myself if he'd let me back there.
The guys at the O'Reillys I go to now are all ASE certified parts guys. I don't know if that means anything or not. My nephew is a Master ASE certified diesel mechanic and he tells me that ASE stands for Ask Someone Else.

ASE... Ask Someone Else....

Steve, that is one I'll have to use at the local NAPA store. Man, talk about brain dead.... The O-Reilly's up the street has been pretty good to me so far.

LOL! Oh yeah. I'll never forget trying to explain how I needed a pilot bushing for the Chrysler 4-speed I was putting behind a 350 Chevy in an '84 Pontiac...poor kid. After messin with him a bit I said "Just give me that Chevy one and I'll ream it out." I thought he was gonna cry...
Fred I will be watching for your video. Auto parts, really lucky around here at least six places closer than ten mins. My grandson that lives with me works for oriley, gets a good discount. ;)..Francis
Keep those sparks flying.

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