trying to post some pics of my t so you can all see where Im coming from but had loads fo trouble. Sorry to say if it doent work this time I will probably not bother.
I post my pictures on PHOTOBUCKET and then copy and paste the "IMG Code" into my post. If I can do it, ANYBODY can because I am VERY "computer challenged".
I gave you a quick walk-through on how to post pictures in THIS THREAD.
Wow! is that cool.
Your three photos are in the gallery. Just click on "Gallery" at the top of the page and then click on "T-Bucket Albums". They are under "Approaching Suicide". I like your T!
The only thing, for some reason the site will not let me click on the photos to enlarge them but that's another issue.
Gerry, I saw you car at Billing last year and it looks very cool. How much much have you done since then and any idea when it'll be finished?
whats the link to your photobucket album?
I have made the album public so if you go to albums and look for FadT Gerry you should be able to see the pics