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Fall nut check . . .


Staff member
Off to run an errand in the roadster this morning, and . . . is that jam nut loose? Sure enough, three out of four jam nuts on my front radius rods had loosened, and two out of four on the rears. Also noticed that the bolt anchoring the passenger side rear rr had loosened, and in fact, was too short for the application! (Got in a hurry when finishing my build!:mad:) So . . . new bolt of correct length, washer and lock nut. Now, what was that I needed to run my errand for . . . ?

PS - I urge all of us to continually do 'pre-flight' checks on these little cars. Can't be too safe when your butt is only inches from the pavement!
Spanky I do the same thing I think I get it from preflight, 50 years of flying, everything has been good but I still check. I would like to change front end with disc breaks hoping it would stop better but not knowing much about the front end not sure how to start . Front drums , breaks, and cylinders are old Dodge
What kind of spindles? Most of the disc brake kits use either early Ford or Chevy spindles.
I use lock nuts with the teflon insides so they don't back off and you don't over tighten the clevises so they don't move. With lock washers IMHO you need to double nut them even with lock washrs.
Front Wheel/hub spindles use a castle nut and cotter key. Something to think about on suspension parts as well. Widely used in the aviation world as well. Chrome is nice, bolt/nut retention is nicer.
you don't over tighten the clevises so they don't move

Absolutely correct. Also you should always insist on clevises that has a full width radius machined at the bottom of the slot. Never use one that has square corners creating stress risers.
Island Girl - maybe they did an just didn’t want to tell us?? Lol

T-test - are those Teflon lined lock nuts something I can get from summit? I think I’d like to do that for my final assembly.
Yes--just ask for /look up nylock lock nut in the size you want.

You can also buy them at any auto parts store or hardware store, grade 5 or 8.
Found bolts loose on one of my headlight stanchions!

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