Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Fan shroud.


Active Member
For some reason the fan in my bucket gave up the ghost last week. My temps were all over and I finally figured out the fan was working intermittently. Eventually it finally quit. Anyways I stole a Spal 16" fan from one of my other cars, built a shroud, then had to move the rad ahead 2" for more room. They had a shorter fan but it was also too close to the pulleys and was rubbing on bumps etc. I have it drying right now so when I get it all assembled I will post some finished pics. I also redid the mounts. It is a walker radiator and it just uses a single bolt on this flimsy flange for a mount. This contributed to the moving around and hitting the pulleys. I boxed in the mount and welded two studs out the bottom on each side. It sits rock solid in the new mount now.





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