Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

First test run!


Well-Known Member
Well, sort of and it wasn't even me who got the ride.:sad: I was at work this morning just messing around and decided to wipe off a little dust that had gotten on the chassis over the last few days. Well, the guy who has a shop next door came out and was giving her a look over. Now, I knew the brakes held firm and I had good peddle, but what I really wanted to do was kinda try them out a little. I had placed a 2"X4" across the chassis, where the kickup is. I asked him to have a seat and I would push it and he could try the brake. He sat down and I gave her a good running push out of the shop door! She rolled about 20' and he pushed the brake and she stopped right firm.

The kicker was the look on my test subjects face! A freakin' grin a mile wide as we pushed her back in. All he said was, "Wow! This thing is going to be soooo cool going down the road!":lol: I sure wish I had my camera, it would have made a great shot. He asked me if I wanted a turn, but I'm saving my big smile for the motorized ride.

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