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For those that are interested...

Thanks for letting us know, Bill. I will make you an imaginary passenger in my T whenever I take it out for a cruise!:)

Zandoz, you're one of the most enthusiastic members here or on any other site. If it's possible to come back, you'll find the way. I talk to the big guy upstairs just about every night, I'll mention you. Keep your head up and take car of business.
Thanks for letting us know, Bill. I will make you an imaginary passenger in my T whenever I take it out for a cruise!:)

Thanks! Being an imaginary passenger would be the closest I've been to a T bucket. IRL, the closest I've actually been to one is passing one going the opposite direction on I-75...LOL.
Zandoz, you're one of the most enthusiastic members here or on any other site. If it's possible to come back, you'll find the way. I talk to the big guy upstairs just about every night, I'll mention you. Keep your head up and take car of business.

Well the folks here and the topic make being enthusiastic easy. I appreciate any help you can convince the big guy to throw my way...thank you.

Unfortunately there's not much I can do to take care of business. It's up to the big guy and the docs...and the docs have either done all they can do, what they are doing isn't working, or are having me hurry up and wait.
On the T-bucket front, I've given myself a recovery deadline. If they can't at least tell me there is a definite chance of recovery at least to where I was a month ago, by the end of September, it will be time to take inventory and start selling off what I have. I hate it, but there comes a time to stop beating a dead horse.

Bill, I'm new here so I may be off base, if I am please forgive me.

BUT I think setting a deadline as early as the end of Sept. is BS!!
Give yourself plenty of time, and use your build as inspiration to keep fighting the good fight!

Bill, I'm new here so I may be off base, if I am please forgive me.

BUT I think setting a deadline as early as the end of Sept. is BS!!
Give yourself plenty of time, and use your build as inspiration to keep fighting the good fight!


Chris, if what I've discussed in this thread were the whole picture,I'd agree with you.

My health and mobility issues have been in serious decline for over 10 years. I have a pinched spinal cord and degenerative joint disease, among a lot of other issues. Around 6 years ago, the pinched spinal cord had me near completely paralysed. An operation and some wonderful physical therapy folks gave me a one time only second chance...and that second chance would only be temporary. From the start this project has been planned and/or altered to deal with my mobility issues...during construction, and eventual use.

When I started this project 3-4 years ago, based on the rate of decline then, I figured I had 6-8 years before I would be at the point I was at a few weeks ago. That few weeks a go point was standing being difficult to dangerous, walking limited to a couple steps with a walker or a pair of canes, the only sense of touch left in my hands being changes in the intensity in the burning/tingling sensation, and the beginning of losing control of my left hand. Getting around now is totally wheelchair dependant.

Now with the new unknown internal issues, according to my doctor, I am bleeding internally at times to the rate of pints a day...he's surprised I'm alive. Most days I'm one step from comatose...and on the good days I'm lucky to have enough strength to open my Dr Pepper.

The decision to set a deadline is a result of the cumulation of all of this.

Welcome to the site!
My thoughts are with you. Keep looking in here and if you want to chat, Im sure there are others here, as well, that will always have something to say on whatever topic you want.
My thoughts are with you. Keep looking in here and if you want to chat, Im sure there are others here, as well, that will always have something to say on whatever topic you want.

That means a lot to me. This place, scrounging parts, and playing with my plans have pretty much been my life for the last few years. I've always been one to totally immerse myself in whatever endeavour I pursue...personally or career. This site, and the folks here, have made that immersion a pleasure. Though I've only briefly met RPM, but I consider many here to be friends, and would hate to lose track of them.
Slow down on the Dr. Peppers! That stuff can make chrome shiney!

Stopping my Diet Dr Pepper, would only be slightly less traumatic than stopping breathing...LOL.

I don't drink coffee, tea, or sugar soft drinks (diabetic)...and most other sugar free soft drinks.
A bit of an update.

Still no clue what is going on with me, and the medical folks seem to be in no hurry to find out. The family doc says I have to be bleeding heavily internally, but he has no way to tell from where, and referred me to a GI doc. The GI doc wants all kinds of scopes and scans, but his staff scheduled them for 3 weeks away. It seems like when the family doc says he's surprised I'm not dead, the GI folks would be at least in a bit of a rush to find out what's going on, but what do I know.

On the good side, things may be healing themselves...only one step from comatose about every other day, and I've regained some appetite on the good days.

On the T-bucket front, I've given myself a recovery deadline. If they can't at least tell me there is a definite chance of recovery at least to where I was a month ago, by the end of September, it will be time to take inventory and start selling off what I have. I hate it, but there comes a time to stop beating a dead horse.

Well, the deadline has come and gone. I'm no better, and probably slightly worse. The doctors still have no clue. I know now there is no way I'll be able to build the car I wanted to build...there is no point in even considering trying. Even though I said I would, and in my mind I know I should stop beating a dead horse, there is still part of me that does not want to totally give up.

I've come up with a lame brained idea that might be a way to continue for now that isn't totally impractical and/or impossible. If I abandon all the planned custom fab work, including the frame, and instead go with off the shelf stuff. I could get one of RPM's or Speedway's frames, and start hanging the parts I already have...when I feel up to it. No new purchases until I have a spot to hang them. I'm figuring that would minimize throwing good money after bad, and still give me something to do, even if not building what I'd hoped.

What do you folks think? Should I give it up now, or should I keep on following the path I'd not originally intended?
keep on following the path

You said it, so best you do it, my friend. Might hurt, might be a struggle but I'm betting you can make the T work for you.
Have you considered something other than a T Bucket? Owning or building a T Bucket isn't a requirement to participate on this forum. Some of the folks here have other cars that they play around with and their advise is still worth while and useful. Just consider it.

For instance, a '53 Belair 4 dr would give you plenty of room for modifications to fit your needs and prices are pretty good for project cars. If you're gonna toss money into something, why not build something you can use?
keep on following the path

You said it, so best you do it, my friend. Might hurt, might be a struggle but I'm betting you can make the T work for you.

Thanks for the confidence.

It's not a matter of hurting or being a struggle...I knew from the beginning that was going to be the case. It's a matter of continuing to throw scarce good money after bad. I've always had a hard time spending for non-essentials for me, and it took a lot of convincing from my wife that it was OK to take a shot at this. She's still supportive, but she'd not likely say anything.

On the other side of the coin, this is something I've wanted since I was a kid...and in my heart still do.
Then press on, man.

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