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For those that are interested...

Have you considered something other than a T Bucket? Owning or building a T Bucket isn't a requirement to participate on this forum. Some of the folks here have other cars that they play around with and their advise is still worth while and useful. Just consider it.

For instance, a '53 Belair 4 dr would give you plenty of room for modifications to fit your needs and prices are pretty good for project cars. If you're gonna toss money into something, why not build something you can use?

For me, this project is not about building a's about building a car myself, of my own design. I decided on a T-Bucket because the engineering was simple enough to have a shot at building one, and it would be light enough to be fun with the little V6 that I have. Starting when I was around 5 or 6, I had a ringside seat for my uncle building his car from the ground up. From that time on I knew I wanted to take a shot at doing the same. There have only ever been 2 things on my "bucket list"...building a car myself and building a house myself. The house I accomplished back in the early 90s. I had resigned myself to the fact that building the car was not likely...until I stumbled across this Camaro engine & transmission for a price I couldn't walk away from. Within an hour of unloading the engine and transmission the dream was back and the intent was a T-Bucket.

Around 2-1/2 years ago, with the car craziness triggered by the T-Bucket project, I bought into a 2nd project that is still in the driveway right in front of the T-Bucket body and axle...a low mileage Cougar in beautiful shape.
Cougar 7.jpg
Taken the day I bought it from the dealer who had used it as a showroom car. Although I've admittedly not put my mind to it, my occasional efforts to make it handicap friendly have ran into dead ends. If I do drop the T-Bucket project, it would be my focus but I doubt I'll ever have the same passion for it.
We're praying for you. I am in a wheelchair myself so I plan to have mods made to carry a wheelchair carrier on the rear of my T and eventually hand controls if I need them. So keep fighting and get your car built, even if it means someone has to drive you around in it.
You know you can get a fiberglass front end and rear to make that car look like a '50 Ford don't you? Just saying!
IMHO, those things are SOOOOO ugly...LOL. Besides this car has a small bit of a special history, and with the shape it's in, I'd hate to ruin it.
We're praying for you. I am in a wheelchair myself so I plan to have mods made to carry a wheelchair carrier on the rear of my T and eventually hand controls if I need them. So keep fighting and get your car built, even if it means someone has to drive you around in it.

I already have a class 2 receiver, for carrying a manual wheelchair lift and pulling a small trailer for my powerchair. For some time I've been planning for hand controls, but last night while pondering all of this I realized my plans were misguided. All the commercially available hand controls I've seen are designed for swing from above pedal set plans have been for swing from under the floor :thumbsdown:
One of the how to build a bucket dvd's has a slide out seat for the driver and an extra brake pedal for the passenger and behind the dash swing pedals. I think it would work under Ron's extended body.
One of the how to build a bucket dvd's has a slide out seat for the driver and an extra brake pedal for the passenger and behind the dash swing pedals. I think it would work under Ron's extended body.

I'd be interested in seeing that DVD, but I doubt how much of it will work for me. My body only has 4" of stretch in the cowl vs RPM's 8" or 10" (I can't remember which). Plus I suspect most of that would require considerable custom fabrication. I think I have come up with a relatively simple solution for the brake pedal issue, so I'm not too worried on that count.
I bought 4 dvd's and have really enjoyed and have been impressed with the techniques Bob Hamilton passes on. If you are a bucket head that builds your own stuff this would make good watching.
If I remember right FDR car was set up for him to drive it. The clutch and brade pedals were hand controls that was under the car.
After most of two months in hospitals and rehab facilities, I'll be heading home Monday. For the most part I'll be bedridden with little chance of improvement. For no identifiable reason my body has decided to loose strength at varying rates. In the beginning, it took only about 3 days to lose my ability to stand. For the last couple weeks, kidney function has also been affected. Rehab has been ineffective for the strength issues. The kidney issue treatments have had varying degrees of success, but no net gain.

For now I plan on hanging around here...I've come to consider many here as friends. I'm also going to continue my to revise my T-Bucket plans...partially as a matter of wishful thinking, and partially a matter of passing time.

Thank you all.
WOW, too bad to hear that, Bill. I hope that things will improve for you so keep us posted.

Bill... I truly regret this downward turn in your health. I know there is always an end to our lives but never to our dreams. Don't ever give up, don't ever quite dreaming. I'm still dreaming up stuff to build with absolutely no chance in my lifetime to make it happen. Almost to the point that I would actually prefer to dream and engineer things and let other people execute it. Saves on wear and tear on my ole carcass. Just keep on dreaming, scheming and designing. Good for the mind, good for the soul. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you daily. God Bless you Bill.

Bill, our prayers ascend on your behalf. Imagination is truly a gift from the Almighty - it allows us to go and do things in multiples that are never possible in the here and now. Keep it up!:thumbsup::)
Thanks folks! I'm already bored silly, and I'm not even home yet. I'm going to need all the support I can get.

Bill... I truly regret this downward turn in your health. I know there is always an end to our lives but never to our dreams. Don't ever give up, don't ever quite dreaming. I'm still dreaming up stuff to build with absolutely no chance in my lifetime to make it happen. Almost to the point that I would actually prefer to dream and engineer things and let other people execute it. Saves on wear and tear on my ole carcass. Just keep on dreaming, scheming and designing. Good for the mind, good for the soul. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you daily. God Bless you Bill.


George, I've been designing things all my life...Including while I've been stuck here in rehab. As you mentioned, I'm going to have to find someone(s) to execute the more practical plans.
Know that Laurie and I will keep you in our prayers!!!
I was thinking about you the other day. How hard it must be to have a healthy and creative mind, but the body isn't cooperating.

I can feel your frustration. I have to keep my brain busy too. All the time, or I go nuts.

Hang in there.
Sorry to hear you are not too good at the moment. Heres a link to a my story of my hot rodding and car playing in the UK. Its about me and my buddy and what we did over the years. May give you a little entertainment for a few hours. It starts slow

Fads meanderings. A tribute to John Stevens

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