Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Fort Dodge,Iowa car show.


Last Sunday I went to a car show held at Harlan Rogers Baseball Complex at Fort Dodge ,Iowa. Put on by W C Cruisers of Webster City, Iowa. The paper said there was 1350 registered, rumor was 1500 registered. Either way it was a very good car show.. It was held on a big asphalt parking lot. There was like 6 or 7 cruises to get to the show. They started at different locations & picked up cars at different towns for the cruise to the show. One of there cruises was thru a really nice wooded park. Good time held by everybody...
I'm in Sioux Falls SD not to far from there to bad my bucket was not done would have cruised to Cherokee IA where my parents live and stayed there. before going.

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