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Forum Changes

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Mike, I have a lot of respect for you and the job that you do here, but I don't like being toyed with. I think I'm pretty much done participating on this site. I'm not saying you won't see me around. I'll probably check in from time to time to check on people, but that's about it.

Good Luck, not only with this site, but life in general. My family, will keep your family in our prayers.


Everyone Else, I've enjoyed the fellowship! Keep at those T-buckets, maybe I'll run into more of you at some meets/events. My wife really enjoyed Chattanooga, so I'm sure we will making more trips.

Thanks everyone!

I want to sell some parts in the classified section. If they are not T-specific can I still post them?
They are parts like spindles, gauges, engine parts, etc.

Why cant people just get along without their freakin egos getting up everyones elses @ss.
Communism never worked in Russia either..

Just goes to show that you cant please all the people all of the time.. and there are some people you cant please any of the time!

Ok so Im probably deleted..
Short membership
Well Mike, here we are again. I really don't see why so many people are upset. Although it is a T- bucket site there is a Lounge area and that seems to be an area of confusion. When Don'tCallMeJimmie
posted a link letting everyone know about the Internet Copyright Infringement link some got Poed and took it as political. I took it as a warning of more government regulations and power grabs. I consider that very informative and important information that I for one am very glad to have. If it had been a Jimmie says vote one way or the other because......well then that would be political and violated the house rules. Then you replied with a lot more information to enlighten people who really needed a clearer understanding of the whole picture and I really appreciate that. I listen to very little political opinions, sales pitches, panic warnings, mud slinging or finger pointing. I know who I will vote for and why and really need little help in making that decision. That makes it very easy for me to just ignore and delete anything that I have little interest in. And I can do this simple task with minimum effort without getting upset, getting an attitude, cussing my dogs, pissing and moaning to my friends, befriending my friends or quiting the things I enjoy. You have clearly stated the rules from day one and you have responded accordingly. As an old soldier from Vietnam I can tell you there were many days friends disagreed over many things. No one ever left the battle arena mad at each other no matter what the argument. So once again Mike, I am grateful for this site and for the time and effort you put into it while trying to make everyone happy. It is not your job or responsibility to make anyone but yourself happy as we are all be grown men and should get on with business. I for one will still be here as long as you'll have me. Thanks again. I shall have no more to say on the subject.

Well looks to me like it's up to the members to turn the channel if they don't like the program. Just because there is a new link in the lounge doesn't mean that you have to read it. But then again, if there is a headline or title that catches your attention it may be to your benefit to click on it to read its content.

One example was a link started by a forum sponsor in the lounge with the headline **Youngster**. This wasn't a T-Bucket post technically was it? I wouldn't think so and probably crossed the line per site rules. If it wasn't for this sponsor questioning the whereabouts of Ron we would probably have never known. Many comments contained prayers to Ron and his family which once again crossed the line in my opinion and nobody got their knickers in a knot over it. Why not since religious posts are against forum policy?

I think Mike and the moderators have enough to police and for the most part, the members here do an absolute fabulous job policing themselves. This is a clean site and I would not be afraid to suggest this site to anyone looking for warm welcome and introduction to T-Buckets. There isn't foul language to sift through or egomaniacs looking to put others down for asking questions. This site is a rare breed as are the members who choose to view it.

I think everyone needs to step back, take a deep breath and put the little kid back on the shelf and bring the adult back to the table. Remember that entering this site is a choice and exercising free will. If that's to much for one to handle and you feel that you need to pack your bags and hit the bricks, that too is a choice.
At first I looked to see if it was April fools day and then I wondered if you high on crack Mike. We seem to have a bunch of whiny cry babies on this site because every time someone posts anything that might be bad about 4 seconds later Mike has a post about all the people that emailed him already. This has been going on as long as I have been a member here and it irritates the crap out of me. I would like to see the ages of all the whiny cry babies but it sure sounds like the same bunch of old farts in my local Ford club that have nothing better to do with their time. Get a life people. It's just a forum, do you still call your mom crying every time somebody says something bad to you? Bloody pathetic.....:cool:
In my "opinion" overall this Forum has a very dedicated following , the way it flows and pretty much self guided or self moderated ,??.. and maybe a little more relaxed at times than should be , is why it works as well as it does , so when 'we' get put back on track it kinda ruffles our feather's , We have a wealth of information here without the big ego's saying it is my way or the high way, we are the T-Bucketeers after all it is what brought us together in the first place ,, Mike has done an outstanding job and has let us slide on more occasions than he should watching with a raised eyebrow and rarely pointing at anyone,But when he does we ALL feel it. I for one wouldn't want to be in his position , To me it seems we are dangerously close to being divided if that happens the ride is over .
" Games" - Some people like to play them, it makes their day. That is fine for them, but there are many of us that don't play games very well - and don't like games. Some like to start a dog fight and set back and watch the fur fly. This has always been and probably will always be.
Life is to short shine it on and eat your desert.
Bravo Mike, well put. Thank you for all your hard work on these forums.
Thanks for taking out the trash, Jim. :thumbsup:

Amazing, isn't it? Joined yesterday, submitted one post, had it deleted for spam, but he's never going to come back. :roflmao: Gee, are we supposed to miss him, or something? Actually, I hope the door didn't hit him in the arse on his way back to his master -

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