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Frame width


What is the differance between a straight frame (same width front and rear) and one that is wider at the rear and what pound spring do I buy for rear coilovers
there is no difference really between the two. where most run into problems with the wider/narrow frame is at the joints. if they are not done properly, there's a good chance it will pull out of shape when welded.

as for the springs, everything you add to the back of the chassis effects them. look in your speedway cat and follow the built it box on chosing springs. great place to start figuring out what you need.

I didn't have any probs when I built my frame. 23" in front 26" in rear with 12" Z'ed in the rear and 3 in the front. It didn't move as far as I can tell. Just braced it well before welding.
I think Total has a tapered frame and most of the old hot rod frames were like 24" front to 30" or 31" rear.
I am soaking in info and should be starting mine in about 2 months,having to do everything from scratch , I am 6'3" at 325 do you think I will fit in a bucket,I can't find one to sit in (small town)
My 40 year old frame is 23 1/2" in the front and 29 1/2" in the rear.
One reason they are tapered is to give you a little more width under the middle where the transmission goes. Even tapering from 24 to 27 in the back, my TH350 is almost touching my brake setup, maybe an inch to spare.

Plus, they look better tapered.

Akitagandy, you and i about the same size, and i can tell you that you may fit in a standard size bucket but no one else will. And at that you will be all folded up like a frog on a lily pad. My son isn't much smaller, for some reason, so we widened our bucket by 9" and lengthened it by the same. Just right, (well, its cosy but not cramped) and unless you compare it with another conventional size alongside it doesn't look bigger. Our first attempt we lengthened the cowl section but it suddenly didden look "bucketish", so next attempt we lengthened it behind the doors and it looks OK, still very much a bucket. As it must.
Ummm.. I've seen them both even dimensions, and tapered. Both work equally well. It's basically builder's preference. I like them both.
California Custom Roadsters and Total Cost Involved does them straight. Their Model A frame is tapered somewhat.
Mostly, the dimensions are taken off the stock Ford Frames of the era. Then they were only boxed to give them added strength. Mikey Daniels

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