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Fred, you're missing out


Well-Known Member
Fred, you just have no idea of what you're missing by not living up here in the Great Lakes region.

We got 3 inches of snow yesterday, with another 2 inches forecast for tonight. And it is currently 6 here. There was a gentle breeze a bit ago and the windchill was down to 2. :D

I know, I know, I shouldn't be teasing you like this...
Mike said:
Fred, you just have no idea of what you're missing by not living up here in the Great Lakes region.

We got 3 inches of snow yesterday, with another 2 inches forecast for tonight. And it is currently 6 here. There was a gentle breeze a bit ago and the windchill was down to 2. :D

I know, I know, I shouldn't be teasing you like this...

Mike that sucks we don't need no Texans up here sucking up our clean cold air.
Guys, that's not fair!:D See, Saturday I'm going to throw a rack of ribs on me bar b que. The forecast is 82* and sunny.:cool: I'd much rather be shoveling snow out of my drive way or sliding on the road to the crowded stores. But, alas, tis my misfortune to be stuck in this warm waste land.:sad:

In all seriousness, I grew up in upstate New York, so I know what you're dealing with. Of course, I was young then and my dad shoveled the snow while my brother and I made snow forts. By the time we were big enough to help him, he was retired and we moved here. Man, I can't get the full enjoyment of winter to save my life.
Rick said:
Ouch Fred now THAT hurt.

LOL It wasn't too low, was it?:D
I saw on the news that there was a big storm going through the midwest. You guys aren't in that mess are you?
YEP Shore be comeing our way.Anything that hits the midwest(us)gets silly for us up here.
Mike said:
We only picked up another inch of snow and it's 28, so we're not too disgruntled.

Rick, we can get back at Fred. Let's load up and pay him a visit, with some really big appetites. ;)

Call first, so I'll know how many more rib racks to get!:D I'm usually good for two myself, but then I don't fix any side dishes when it's just me. When I have company, it's ON! Corn on the cob and baked 'tators. All on the pit.
It's got to be worth the drive for some of them ribs, don't ya think guys?:D I'll bring the:beer:.

thomas said:
It's got to be worth the drive for some of them ribs, don't ya think guys?:D I'll bring the:beer:.


No beer needed, but you could bring me your T Bucket body.:D I'll put extra sauce on your ribs.
Outside my house at 11:08 Sat morning

Ahhh... childhood memories return. "It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas, every time Rick posts.":lol:
Grrrrr, that's how it is looking here, as well. And it gets worse. MUCH worse.

The Winter Storm Warning they announced last evening said we could be in for as much as 6-10 inches of snow accumulation. They are now saying we will get between 12-17 inches before tomorrow evening. With sustained 25 MPH winds and gusts up to 45 MPH. We're going to be drifted in before it is all over. :lol:
All kidding aside. I hope you guys and your families stay safe and warm. I check the weather channel sometimes and when it shows your areas, I think of you guys. Just be careful out there.
We've nearly 8" on the ground and it is still coming down. :lol: They are now saying another 2" - 4" before it finally blows out of here, so we've a mess on our hands.

I was considering going out to purchase myself a new iMac for Christmas (I always do a good job of getting myself something magical for Christmas! :D) today, but I suppose it could wait. Driving in this stuff is just a matter of flipping the switch in the truck from 2WD to 4WD, but then I would have to walk from the parking to the store and back and I abhor snow!
Here you go, Fred -


A table out on my deck, with about 10" of snow sitting on it.


A look across at one of the other buildings. Sorry about the screen insert, I reckon I need to get the storm insert installed, don't I?


This is one of those days that I don't mind having to pay the homeowner's association fees each month. ;)


Looking down my side of the driveway.


Looking out to the south from my home office window.

I'm telling you fellows that this is what you're missing by living so far south of here.
Man, that is great to LOOK at! It's good you don't have to shovel that. I can remember my dad having a few choice words, when he would have to get up early to shovel snow before work.

Actually, Rick, it's never really felt like Christmas, without snow. I do miss it, but then I see shots like this, put on a T-shirt and go outside to play with my dog. I've had my share, I guess.

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