old round fart
Well-Known Member
I think he did in 1988!
Good to see you back.
Yes, I still play with the CAD plans...gives me something to pass the time, even if nothing is likely to come of them. Here is the last presentable version...
View attachment 13242
Bill... I think I ask you once about which Cad program you use and I think you told me Draftsight. If that is correct, did you install the recent service pack and how did it go? I had version 2015 on one laptop and version 2017 one the second laptop. Now neither one works. Dassault doesn't seem to have made any afford to post a fix. Forced me to pull out an older version of Autodesk Autocad.
Hope you get your health straightened out and you get to work on your car. My thoughts and prayers will be with you. Take care.
I'm still running DraftSight...currently on a Dell 17R notebook. As of about 2 weeks ago, I'm running the 2017 version with the recently released service pack. I had been running the original 2017 release with no major issues, but about that time I got an email notifying of an urgent fix. When I went to download the fix there was the cumulative service pack option and I went that route. The only problem I've had with the service pack is that it wiped out all my customization.
Thanks Bill. I tried the the service pack add but got nowhere. Uninstalled Ver 17 and did a new clean install but still won't work. Went to my 2nd XP Professional laptop and it failed to open as it was past the cutoff date. Very aggravating to me and evidently many others. My son will try and load it to his Wingows 7 desktop and see if it will work. Guess we'll see.
Am I getting it right that your machines are running Windows XP? Just guessing here, but I'm wondering DS is no longer supporting XP.<shrug> I'm running Windows 10.
Bill, I have a newer Dell laptop that is a Windows 7 Pro 64 bt machine that had Draftsight 2017. I also have a older Dell laptop with XP Pro 32 bit machine that had Draftsight 2015. I got the email from Dassult/Draftsight about the service pack download or just doing a complete new reinstall of version 2017. Also noted that if you didn't upgrade the programs would no longer open after March 1st of 2017.
Had my son upgrade the Windows 7 machine but it failed to open. After wresting with it he uninstall all traces of Draftsight and did a new from the company website download of the new and improved version of Draftsight 2017. Exact same program. He went through everything including Microsoft and everything loaded on my laptop but never could get it installed. Still could not get it to open and run. Due to work in progress I installed Auto Desk/ Autocad Ver2012 and opened it with no problems. The one problem I no w have is all work done on either laptop is not readable with the earlier 2012 ver Autocad. My next plan of attack is to install Draftsigth 2017 onto my son's Windows 7 64 bit desktop computer and see if it will run there. If so, I will resave all earlier draftsight drawings to 2011 dwg files. Fortunately I haven't done that much on the newer laptop. Also fail to mention that I use Firefox and that may or may not have any bearing on the problem, That's about where it stands now. Guess we'll see1
Just A White Boy Lost In The Blues
Wow...beats me what's up there. One thing I would try is take a look on cnet for a stand alone file conversion program. Some years back I was working with someone using an older file format program, and found a utility program that allowed us to get past the version barrier.
OK, George . . . . go sit in the naughty chair!!!![]()
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