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Front end shimmy


New Member
Hi guys, long time no see.. since I finished my '27 "T", I've been too busy enjoying it to check out the forum.
I have a 4" dropped tube axle with radius rods. The steering is conventional (not cross steer), using a ???
steering box. Lately I have experienced a "shimmy" at low speeds. It's not constant and may be triggered by a dip in the road. If I slow down momentarily, it disappears. Tire pressures are O.K., no excessive play in the steering linkages. I am running bias ply tires with about 25# pressure in C78-14 Carnegies. It doesn't happen all the time...I'm suggestions?
The first thing I would suggest is, and you probably did this check and be sure everything is tight. It sounds like a slightly out of balance condition, if this don't check out, some of the guys on here had to use a steering stabilizer on the front end. One more idea, jack up the front end and spin the wheels and see if there is a defect or out of round.
Francis is right. Check the simple stuff first, balance, out of round, loose bearings, etc.
Also check your caster.

Francis is right. Check the simple stuff first, balance, out of round, loose bearings, etc.

An imbalance usually shows up around 50 MPH.


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