Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Fuel Lines


Hi all,
I have been building my bucket for a couple of years now and am now worrying over the fuel lines. It will be running to a Quick Slayer 600 sitting on the SBC 350. Have a mechanical fuel pump sitting where all good mechanical pumps should. My plan was to run a flex line from the tank to the filter then hard 3/16 forward to just before the pump. Switch back to flex line to pump and from the pump, another flex line to the inlet bar. Where I get a bit (?) screwed up is the 6 AN vs. 8 AN. I would either use the Earl's 704667ERL or the tubing to flair adapters from Speedway. But that old 6 AN and the 8 AN raises its head again. Going a bit nuts trying to build the carb to hard line section. Ideas?
My avatar is of my old build that I sold last year. Not enough room (or $$$$).
I guess what I really need is a simple explanation of 6 AN vs. 8 AN. When do you use either? I am ordering the fuel feed line from Jegs which is made for the Carb. It has 7/8 - 20 outlet threading and -6AN inlet. Yet I have seen others with -8AN. What is the difference?
-6 is plenty big for your [relativley] small 600 carb , especially feeding it w/ a [stock type] mech pump...I have -6 braided hose from the pump [electric] to the reg. , then to the 2x4 bbl carbs. I've never experienced a drop in pressure/volume up to 7K rpm''

I recommend 3/8 feed....if you look at the far rail you can see how I ran mine. Just behind the front motor mount and above the frame riser in the rear I ran solid steel 3/8 tube. From each end I ran flex step braided hose to both the pump and shut off valve which I have threaded to the tank. I ran into an issue with my rail line to carbs....leaked like a sieve....very much a fire hazard! So, I ended up replacing them with clear 3/8 hose using either 6 or 8 ends. I'll be damned if I can remember what size braided line I use, thinking 6, but 6 ends didn't work so I got 8 ends....either way it didn't work. so now I am trying the clear line with the same ends, I used the econo-fit ends. Still ends in my tool box drawer......many test fits, if you will during this project. However, I think 3/16 line will starve your carb, everything I have seen or read should be 5/16 or 3/8 line.
Its best to have too much fuel flow, than not enough, if at a later date, wanting more flow, for a blower or turbos.... Gotta always think ahead. If you have a hi-flow pump, or a hi-pressure pump, these are 2 completely diff. animals. But let me say this, on a street drive rod, which will see 25% idling, with 70% cruising, and at most 5% being romped on, 1/16 at a fitting will not make or break your equation on fuel delivery....

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