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Fuel Tank Venting Advice....


Okay, sorry to those of you who have already ready about my fuel tank venting question, but wanted to make sure I am clear on this. I have a 23T that I bought already built, but re-working and changing to make it "my own". While working with a fuel line, I noticed that my fuel cell does not have a vent tube coming out of it. I know air is at least venting in because fuel is flowing, but not sure if air is venting out. Again, sorry to ask about this so much, but do not want to leave anything to chance here. Below is a link and pic of the aircraft style cap on my fuel cell (plastic). Take a look and let me konw what you think. Thanks for all of your help in advance!!,58_Aircraft-Style-Filler-Neck.html?itemNo=fuel tank 7TH&img=910-76510-2.F_L.JPG
I build a lot of fuel tanks and have used that cap in some applications. It has a one way vent, it lets air in and no fumes out. Your fine with it. The other caps I use work the same way. So it is safe to use the tank in an enclosed area.:lol:
RPM said:
I build a lot of fuel tanks and have used that cap in some applications. It has a one way vent, it lets air in and no fumes out. Your fine with it. The other caps I use work the same way. So it is safe to use the tank in an enclosed area.:lol:

Thanks for the advice RPM. So I do not need to add a vent at all? Again, I have never had any problem with the tank except once when I heard it hissing when I got back from a short drive. I just opend the cap to relieve the pressure. I would like to put a different tank in sometime in the future so I may need your help. What type of tanks do you fab?

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