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fun times tomorrow...


Active Member
going to have a camera stuck in my heart to check for blockage(again)
not sure if another by-pass is needed or just a stint.
back tomorrow night oooooooooor next weekend.

play nice guy's.... :)
good luck Track-T hope all go well
Well, I made it through the camera thing. 11 hours at the hospital is no fun at all.
Seems I'm good to go for another year at least :)
Great news! keep on truckin, or trackin as the case may be!:)
Good to hear all went well.
11 hours in the Hospital is far better than the alternative. Glad to hear it went well for you. (By the way, I agree with you about Hospital time being no fun at all).
Jim, I just saw this thread. Glad you got good news. Heart stuff is pretty scarey, I had angioplasty 25 years ago and it has been holding for me, but a couple of weeks ago I started having discomfort in the left side of my chest. It was concerning me and I made the mistake of telling my Sons, and automatically they thought I was dying.:rolleyes: They called my exwife and she started in on me to go to the hospital, but I decided to wait it out. Turns out I think I had a bad case of heartburn because everything passed in a couple of days, so I figure I am ok.

Hope yours stays good for you too.

Now there's a bloke for you. ;)

We had an add on the TV here in Australia a short while ago. There was a real white pastie looking bloke who's first words were, "Wish I could have my heart attack again" He then proceeded to take us on a tour through his house showing where different signs of his attack took place, ending at the spot he died. Add ended with him repeating those words, "Wish I could have my heart attack again"

Sorry Don, but I gotta side with your two boys and your Ex on this one. Feel pain in the chest, ring 000, or 911 for you boys. :roflmao: You normally only get one go at it, most times.

Cause none of that applies to you Jim, because you done did the right thing. :cool:
Thanks guy's....After a stint and a triple by-pass in the last 4 years I'm always watching..
Thanks guy's....After a stint and a triple by-pass in the last 4 years I'm always watching..
Glad to hear all went well had some issues myself a couple years ago but good so far.
Don, best advice is go and get it checked you'll be a long time gone if you ignore it too long
Don I don't know you but I am going to guess you are older. There is something about older men that makes them think they never need to go to the doctor. My father inlaw had an infected tooth that spread to his brain. Just about died from a tooth ache because he refused to go to the doctor. He also has a prostate the size of a grapefruit because he never goes to the doctor and they figure he has prostate cancer for at least 20 years. Go to the damn doctor, heartburn doesn't give you chest pain for two days. Heart attacks do. Peace out. :)

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