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Gas prices, again!

It has always amazed me
Why does gas vary so much
I used to lease a station from Shell oil here in Ohio
It was in my family for 40 years before I gave up the lease and moved on
I could never understand why it would change so much
We would get a price update notice at least once a day - sometimes multiple times a day
I copied a 5 year plot of gas prices click on the 5 year tab
In this chart it shows that gas has gone from 1.54 to 4.16 amazing
The tax on this gas has stayed pretty consistent at approx. 55. cents per gallon
2Xcrash I don't buy your theory. Taxes here have stayed consistant yet gas has been up and down like a bouncing ball. Just think When the oil companys raise prices .01 and sell billions of gallions of gas calculate the profits it's all just greed. Gas in one town here 3.49 and 6 miles away 3.69. Both in small rural towns. They use every excuse to raise prices trouble in Egypt fall change over phases of the moon ect. Plus they are adding ethanol to the gas which decreases efficiency corodes metal and rots rubber. What a scam. If our representatives in cingress were more interested in our welfare instead of their pocket books we would all be better off IMO.
I'll NEVER understand why or how the same chain in the same town can have prices all over the board. Sometimes as much as twenty cents per gallon difference.
There is no question added taxes drive up the price of a gallon of gas. But taxes are constant, from day to day.

By the same token, there is no question that oil is a commodity with very volatile pricing. But it is because of the stranglehold Big Oil has on its customers that it can allow its pricing to be so volatile. How often would you be willing to shop in a grocery store that, without warning, raises its prices 8.69%? But that is what happened at an area filling station, just a couple nights back. Prices jumped from $3.45/gallon to $3.75/gallon. A mere 24 hours later, the price fell 1.333%, to $3.70/gallon.

How would you feel if you paid $7.50 to see a movie on Monday, only to be charged $8.15, to see the same movie on Tuesday? And then come to find out that people saw the same movie on Wednesday and paid only $8.04.

But here is where Big Oil gets its teeth. Big Oil KNOWS you are going to use your vehicle/s to drive tomorrow, the same as you did today. If you find gasoline priced a nickel higher tomorrow, they know you are going to gripe about it. But they also know you are going to gripe whilst you stand there, pumping their product into your tank. Is the price on that product artificially-inflated. Heck yes, it is. But Big Oil doesn't care that you know that, all they care about is you buying the product.

Remember when oil companies ran commercials on TV, trying to get you to purchase their product? Remember getting green stamps, or yellow stamps, for each dollar you spent? I remember we used to have promotions where we would give away silverware, plates, bowls, glasses and coffee cups. People would carry empty gas cans in their trunks, so they could buy and extra gallon or two, in order to get two forks, instead of just one. :rolleyes: But it is no longer necessary for the oil companies to waste profit on sales promotions, because they know you are going to drive at least as far tomorrow, as you did today.

The most painful part about volatile gasoline prices is that none of us can identify what really causes the pain - the fact we are all addicted to gasoline and that we have to have it, in ever-increasing quantities. If you don't like paying the price, there is always public transportation, which is abysmal in this country. But it was our greedy desire to live away from city centers and commute in our gas hog vehicles that killed public transportation, so there's little sense in griping about that spilled milk.

We blindly dropped our trousers, so there should be no surprise that Big Oil is there to take advantage of us.
Wednesday gas went from $3.37 to $3.79 in one day here in Michigan,then dropped a little the next day???
$156.9/litre here in my home town. Guys down in the city are paying around another .10/litre and our Auto Club are suggesting we might like to get used to $1.70 soon. Our dollar is now worth less than .90 of yours as well ( we are told thats the reason our petrol has gone up in price - wonder why it was cheaper when our dollar was worth .70 to the USD????????)

You guys are also lucky your grabmint taxes your gas. Ours doesn't apply a tax to fuel, no Sir, but they do apply a excise. That is worked out on a % of the pump price. How much chance do you reckon Australian's have of lobbying our leaders to force down the fuel price. Mike got it in one, just drop your pants, bend over and spread them. A little axle grease around the region might help with the pain as well. :cry:
When I started this thread on July 22nd, the gas price at that certain station was $4.19. Just yesterday it was down to $3.82. That's a 37 cent drop. And the news says that gas prices are rising!
We check prices here through gas buddy and real gas through Pure gas was $3.49 a gal and ethanol gas was $3.39 a gal.
We've been $3.35 /gal. here in the Oviedo, Fl. area for the last couple of weeks. Of course my T takes the Hi Test which is higher but my '37 Chevy takes regular and that is fine.

We jumped back up to $3.65/gallon, night before last. But the station pulled its usual stunt, by lowering the price to $3.64/gallon (Look, Martha, a bargain!!! :rolleyes:), yesterday.

I'm still daily tracking prices in a spreadsheet and it is already showing an interesting and repeating trend, after only a month. When prices go up, they jump up around 30¢, but when they drop, they drop pennies at a time. 7 September is Purdue's first home game, so the locals will all be sure to have plenty of gasoline on board before that weekend arrives.
The AP is reporting gasoline has risen an average 1.8¢, to $3.56/gallon, in the last 24 hours.

I reckon that shows how we are a lot better than average, because 48 hours ago, gasoline here jumped 30¢, to $3.75/gallon. :rolleyes:

There is no doubt big 0il is going to play the price game with the threat of military attack of Syria, but come on...
I hate to sat this, but every time there is a crisis the oil companies think they have the right to raise the prices they want and gouge more money out of the public.
Come to Canada guys - then complain about your prices - since this latest deal with Assan our prices have gone to 1.35? Litre - that's about $5.40 /Gallon! and my T needs premium so it's a lot more than that.

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