Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Get off the porch!


Well-Known Member
What's the furthest you've driven your T Bucket or Hot Rod from home? On a lark, I drove from Houston to Port Lavaca, TX. About 150 miles, taking the long way. It was kinda on a dare. I had sent some pics of my T Bucket to an uncle who was into cars. He said it wasn't my car. So, I gassed up and drove down. Laid a patch of rubber in front of his house to let him know I was there!

Got a steak dinner, traded stories, spent the night and drove back the next day.
Drove my delivery from Tulsa to Mountain Home, Arkansas, (240 miles) for its first trip about a month after building. Getting ready for the OK. 100 run this Saturday, then the next Saturday, we will make a 340 mile Whine Tour. Didn't leave any rubber, but maybe a oil spot or two.;)
Well, I can not speak to any achievements of a yet to be built car...but my intent for it is to be a long distance runner. I hope that a 400 mile trip would not be stretching it. Back in the early/mid '70s I drove my "go to the races" '68 Renault R8 from NW Ohio to the the MOSPORT racing facility NE of Toronto, and back. A distance of around 400 miles each way. I hope I still have the ability to match the range of an over stressed little 4cyl, with an under stressed V6.
Now, that's loggin' some mileage!
I'm hoping to eventually drive mine when it is finished to Clearwater, Florida. Stopping over in Pensacola on the way down and back.

I'm hoping to eventually drive mine when it is finished to Clearwater, Florida. Stopping over in Pensacola on the way down and back.


That would a cool drive!
164a.jpg 960 miles...including a 114 mile overnight ferry ride, to go to the Atlantic nationals.
On the way home we did well over 1000 miles (Ferry inc) due to taking a side trip to a friends home for the night.

She has two trips to the Nats under her belt so far! :D

In this pic we were running hard in a slight rain to get back to the ferry on time for the return crossing. We made it with 15 minutes to spare!!!
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WOW---Where are you from?
St John's, Newfoundland, Canada.
The Nats are held early July in Moncton, New Brunswick.
A bunch of us leave every year and convoy across the island to Port Aux Basque, sleep on the ferry and then run thru Nova Scotia into New Brunswick.
When I can get the time to go its the absolute highlight of the year.
The trip, the people, the city and show location.
It just never gets old...and when its in the T its even more incredible!

I should note...on the return trips we ran alone because of our trip to our buddies house. The convoy would on the ferry waiting for us. :D
You know a guy in Newfoundland goes by Fitzee? A buckethead from years ago - used to be an NTBA member . . .
You know a guy in Newfoundland goes by Fitzee? A buckethead from years ago - used to be an NTBA member . . .

One of my best buddies!
In fact...this used to be Fitzees car!
During those two trips to Moncton fitzee still owned it and we shared driving duties. Once the opportunity came to get the T I jumped at it and I've been driving it every summer and making it my own during the winter.
I've shortened the wheelbase by converting to spring-over, cut the flare on the top of the body and lowered it 3" to stock height. Repainted it without the flames, lowered the tank...changed the rear brakes and gearing. Changed the box and made a new column. On and on...but its still the same car in essence.
Here she is in her old configuration, with Fitzee driving, just after we left Moncton, on the road to our friends house in Windsor, Nova Scotia.

On The Road 2.jpg
Thanks ORF...she's a road warrior for sure.

Lets see some more pics from road trips and long, scenic runs.
This has the potential to be another great thread so it shouldn't fade away....
Now that's a nation wide cruiser.

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