GT, if that list prevents you from using a piece of software, then you need to shut down your computer, take it to your garage, smash it into as many pieces as you can possibly make, then melt it down. And no, I'm not joking.
Every time you use a search engine, you are being logged, as is the search you've requested. And whether or not you've visited a linked site, as a result of that search.
Here are just some of the metrics that I receive from this site on a daily basis from my Google Analytics account.
Total visits made to the site, every 24 hours
Total unique visits made to the site, every 24 hours
Total number of pageviews, every 24 hours
The average time spent on the site, by all users in a 24 hour period
The bounce rate, or the number of visitors that leave the site after viewing only one page
Visitor loyalty percentages, based over the last 30 days (how many times have you visited)
Visitor recency over the last 30 days (how long since you've visited)
Depth of visit (how many pages did you view while here)
What Web browser are you using
What computer operating system are you using
What screen color setup are you using
What screen resolution are you using
What version of Flash are you running
Are you supporting Java
What network you're on
What is the hostname
What connection speed are you running
Did you arrive direct to the site (either from entering the URL or from a bookmark)
Did you arrive from a link on another site
If yes, what site did you arrive from
Did you arrive from a search engine
If yes, what search term did you use to find us
This are just some of the numbers Google is reporting to me and that I record on a daily basis. What other data do you think they are storing and not sharing with me?
(And when I use the term "you", I don't mean Google reports on you specifically, rather the numbers are overall numbers for the site.)
While you're destroying that computer, you better add your cellphone and any credit cards, store discount cards and library cards you may have. Trust me, Big Brother has been watching, for quite some time.