Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Great news!


Well-Known Member
I got a copy of the accident report and........ *drum roll*....... the cop was at FAULT! But then I knew that. My lawyer says this is open and shut. I won't know what the dollar amount of the settlement is until I get estimates on car damage and finish seeing my doctor. But as of now I win. It's just a matter of time.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! It is good to see a nice guy win for a change.
tfeverfred said:
I got a copy of the accident report and........ *drum roll*....... the cop was at FAULT! But then I knew that. My lawyer says this is open and shut. I won't know what the dollar amount of the settlement is until I get estimates on car damage and finish seeing my doctor. But as of now I win. It's just a matter of time.

That is great, I hope you get enought to build 10 buckets.:welcome:
Wow!! Good for you Fred, hope you have as good luck getting your money out of them. :welcome:
Martin said:
Wow!! Good for you Fred, hope you have as good luck getting your money out of them. :welcome:
My lawyer knows just how much to ask for so this won't end up in court.
SEE? Toldja it was gonna work out...Glad to hear it the good news!
Congratulations on your victory to bad you had such a short t bucket season. I drove mine to work yesterday morning (no top) 27 degrees was 45 when I came home though.Oh thats right in Texas you guys enjoy a little longer season than We do in Wisconsin.
congrates Fred. I'm so glad to hear things are rolling in your favor.

Where have you been? We are missing you wit and input around here.

Congrats Fred, looking forward to the new build. :D
That is good news Fred! I was just trying to remember the last time I seen you on here. Been missing you bud!
Yogi said:
That is good news Fred! I was just trying to remember the last time I seen you on here. Been missing you bud!

I've been working extra hours at work to get some overtime. Things are tight, but I'll be okay. Learning how to juggle bills takes a lot of work.:D I've been popping in when I can. Reading and seeing what's going on. I'm here fellas, this is my home.

Thanks to all who have helped me out. I'm gonna take care of ya, it just may be a little while.
ALRIGHT Fred, A good guy wins !!!!! :dance::toast::D
^5 Fred glad it worked out for you
Glad to hear that the ruling went in your favor. As others have said, sorry it is taking so long to get your settlement. One good thing about being in the south is that we have a short winter and then temps are back up to triple Please let us know how we can help. Maybe we need to organize a "Re-build blitz for Fred" so you can get back on the road ASAP.
Good to hear things are working out. We're anxious to see you back on the road.
Ya know Fred it just don't feel right saying CONGRATS when I think of what happened to your car but this is very good news and I hope that you can be made whole again... PLUS some.
tfeverfred said:
My lawyer knows just how much to ask for so this won't end up in court.

That is so awesome Fred, you may get enough to buy Nas T Too :lol::lol:
like they said open and shut, you might be shocked on what you will get but remember your leir gets 33.3%.
Glad to hear this is going to end in your favor. The money may take a bit of time but it will come!!


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