Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

greetings from portland,or.


New Member
glad i found this site! my bucket's almost done-been building it in my head for 42 years-doing the wiring now-i'm 60-better late than never! patience is an aquired taste.
Gee you guys make me feel like a spring chicken. :lol:

Im still looking forward to being 50 and having my grey hair blowing in the wind as Im out cruizin in my bucket.
Welcome ........ :lol:
Welcome to the site. You will find a lot of 60 something adolescents here having the time of their lives.

If age is just another number why do my joints hurt more than when I was a teenager. Welcome hotrodman I am 46 and just started my bucket.
I spent a week in portland back in the 80s nice town. worked for a imsa gtp. team and we raced at p.i.r. and stayed at the t-bird hotel had a ball.

anyway welcome to the forum :lol:

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