Ever since phones have most of your personal info on them this is the new place hackers are going after .email addresses phone numbers wallet info photo album all on your phone hacker info story
Quite frankly, if people are willing to trust sensitive data to their computers and phones, they should be equally as willing to accept the overwhelming likelihood of having that data nicked. If there was any possibility someone might actually be able to crack one of my computer systems, there is nothing to be found. Not a single account number for anything. Not a single password for anything. Think you have a piece of malware that will let you crack my system? Go ahead, send it to me. Think you can get around the multiple layers of security protecting my computers? I watch as many as 30-40 people failing to accomplish it, every hour of the day. The bottom line is you can sit down in front of any of my computers, I will give you the password for whatever operating system you prefer to use and you will not be able to come up with anything sensitive. Because I do not store sensitive data on electronic equipment of any kind.
Why do people insist on making things easy for cyber-crooks?
Right on,all of my business is done in person. I have never felt secure doing banking or any other business electronically. I know most people are on several social networking systems, but I don't like it. Just call me old fashion.
I got an email from an auto performance website that someone had tried to log on under my user name with the improper password, 5 times and the site was going to block them for 15 minutes. They sent me the ip address and it came up charter comm. I notified Charter, but I doubt they will flag the user or any other action will be taken.
No big info available under my pass words, but do not want any bad mouthing or offensive post from a hacker.
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