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Hank's T


New Member
Here is the first pic. I'm trying to get the size right and I think I just resized this one. This is the big picture of a little engine..ha ha
Hank said:
Here is the first pic. I'm trying to get the size right and I think I just resized this one. This is the big picture of a little engine..ha ha

So is that a 2300cc Ford engine ? How does the weber set up work for ya? Should be pretty snappy for a light car... "BH"

Here's how to submit pics.

Google 'Photobucket,com
open an acct.
Resize pics to 320x240
Transfer pics to your acct.
Somewhere around each pic is 'img code'...left click on it. you should see copied come up.

Go to the site
write yor post
click 'enter' twice
right click
click on 'paste'
Click review post...if you see what you want, click 'submit'

That should get you there. It's not that hard. I tried everyones directions and had no luck, but this works for me. Be sure to resize before tranfering pics to your account. It speeds up the process. Hope this helps.

DETAILS! Hank, ya got me looking real hard at that pic. You have any details on it and the tranny setup you're running?
Yes it is a Ford 2300 Pinto engine. The webers are tricky, but I am very committed to getting them to work. Hard Headed I guess..ha ha .... I have some limited experience with them from years ago when I ran them on a VW dune buggy.
It's got a C-3 transmission. The engine is all stock right now, but I have a D Port head that I'm going to get jazzed up some later on. I just wanted to get it running and get the carbs sorted out, drive it and figure out all the other stuff that is going to have to be done that I screwed up when I was building it, ha ha ha, before I start changing everything. I built the whole car. There isn't anything on it that I didn't do. It's not a high dollar car. Just a fun little car for me and the wife to cruise in on the weekends and maybe hit a few cruise ins. Like I said earler, I still have to figure out all the stuff I've screwed up during the build and then when I take the body back off to do the body work I will try to fix all that stuff then. I'm going through the titling process right now, so hopefully I can actually get it on the road soon and really ring it out.
Thanks for the info on posting pics Youngster. I'm an Oldster and not as computer literate, as you Youngsters.ha ha ha

Will the photo bucket site resize the pics, or do I have to resize them before I send them to photo bucket?

Thanks again for the help.
When you go to Photobucket, there is an option to change the size. Select "large 640X480" and all your pics will convert to a size used on most websites. I hope this helps.
I have dial-up service and find the process goes faster if you resize before I transfer the pics to my photobucket acct.

Youngster is just a play on words Hank. I'm 62. My last name is Young. So if this ol'dog can pick it up, so can you.

Hank said:
Here is the first pic. I'm trying to get the size right and I think I just resized this one. This is the big picture of a little engine..ha ha
I love it. It's different, that's part of what makes it so neat! Good job!
Ron Lynch (speed)

Your engine looks good. I am also running a 2300 in my Track T but with one carb. I don't think your stacks woudl fit under my hood, in fact I'm having some difficulty creating an air cleaner that fits under it. Do you have a photo of the right side of the engine? I'm curious what you're using for a valve cover and exhaust.

I'm in Maryland, where are you located?

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