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Hate Crimping? Hate Soldering?


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Del City has these great weather pack connectors already assembled with pigtails: Weather Pack Female Assembled Pigtails - 1-Way
Come in 1 to 6 wires, both female and male. Just splice them in. No crimp tool, no crimping. And I use these shrink tube/solder sleeve deals for splicing: Heat Shrink Solder Butt Connectors No soldering required. Just stick in the wires and use a heat gun to solder and shrink for a tight weatherproof connection. OK, I'm lazy, but it sure is easy.
Been buying from Del City since 1985. They have some great stuff, and prices are not that bad compared to buy electrical stuff at auto parts or Wally World.
That is where I got most of my electrical supplies......must have missed the heat shrink solder connectors! That would have been handy verses shrinking tubing over the connectors....2 birds with one stone.
Looks good. Unfortunately I no longer have a steady enough hand nor the dexterity to do any fine soldering. I'm all for anything that gives me an alternative.

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