Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               


skinny mike

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Looking for headers for my sbc that angle toward the rear tires. The ones I see have them tucked in too close to the body, frame. Any suggestions? Oh,
The deal is, the first two headers shown run too close to the frame, don't angle toward the tires, like I want. The Lakes type require more exhaust hardware and, though OK would need a lot of chrome which now-days is $$$$ plus shipping. SO.. are any made that have a "built in" angle toward the tires? I do realize, sometimes you can't get there from here. (unless bushels of money). Just thought some one has seen something like I would like. And I want chrome, of course. I know, picky ain't I !!!!
Looking for something like this?
CCR use to sell them, they called them "Weed Burners". I don't know who made them, I'm sure Jerry (Resinator) can tell us.
ORF...gonna check that company out. Thanks! Spanky, thanks also. They don't give dimensions so that one can determine if any will work, but, the tech's at Speedway have always been very helpful. Worth a call. Monday. Hate Sundays as then problems always crop up over the weekend. Henry, those look wild! Not exactly what I am thinking of, BUT ! Who makes em? Need to check em out cuz I may be thinking too narrowly. Even thought of zoomies but I imagine the fumes could be evil unless doing about 100 or so. is important as a lot of you know. The ones that are on the car are from some older Chevy slab-side and look awful!!!! I DIDN'T DO THE BUILD!!!
Call Sanderson and have them made in polished stainless steel. It's only money!$$$$

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