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Considerations for headers?


I'm looking at headers next (305 sbc). There are a ton around used that seem like they would clean up nicely, but most are long tube from old square body pickups or similar. They seem like they hang down really far and I'm worried about ground clearance. I don't even have the engine mounted yet so I don't exactly know how much clearance I will have, so I don't know if that is a valid concern. Are there certain characteristics or style of header I should be looking for?
These cars are so versatile that almost anything can be made to function and look good. So, at this point I'd say don't sweat it. Get you engine set in and whatever other things need to be sorted out. Keep your eyes open for a suitable pair of headers. Don't rush to purchase something that might require more than it's worth. You can always run stock manifolds and regular piping, if you get everything else lined up and still haven't found that perfect setup. It would be so easy to install later.
I'm with you, I don't think truck headers would work very well. Perhaps I am wrong. I'm sure others will chime in shortly.
Have you considered trying some shorty style, like for a gen 3 f body? That would allow you to plumb your exhaust down under and allow quieter mufflers. Just a thought... for that matter, stock rams horns could be cool as well, just depends on your preference.
Schoenfeld headers have the best selection of possible headers for a TBucket !!!

Is that @fletcherson wife in the photo below??? 😇



Best prices also for TBuecket headers for the Basic header in steel. Then you can do whatever you like with them.

The price for the headers below are only $349 and made in the USA.


Sanderson has some possibilities also.

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