Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

headlight loom using faucet line


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Supporting Member
Has anyone used water faucet braided line for headlight loom?

Any pics would be helpful.
Yes they work fine I use the braided stainless looking ones. I'll try to get pics later. Also come in more lengths than 12 inches.
haha yes I did this as well. Much cheaper then anything else out there.

I bought a long dishwasher line for like $9.99 did both headlight setups and had some left over for the rad overflow hose.

Don't know if I'm feeling the thickness of the water line.
Looking into 3/8 in. flexible aluminum conduit or maybe hard line it with 3/8 aluminum fuel line.
Mine has braided hose from a hand-held shower head. The inside is braided and covered with clear plastic. Was enough to do 2 cars.
Keeper that overflow bottle looks alot like one I used once. Was a Drink & Go water bottle. COOL think outside the lines like a true hot rodder.

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