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Heavy 32 axle


New Member
Can anyone tell me what a heavy 32 axle is? I hear that term alot and have no idea what it is. Thanks:eek:
As the name implies, it was used exclusively in 32 and was built somewhat heavier to handle the weight of the then new V8 engines. It has more meat in the ends and some people confuse them with truck axles. They are very desirable and fetch between $ 300 and $ 500 or more depending on condition. Here is a picture showing the differences over the years. The one that is marked 1932 is the heavy one, and you can see how it differs from the normal 32-36 axle.


Thanks donsrods, I have one under my 32 ford pickup. I guess I will send it up to that guy in northern Calif. to be dropped. From what I hear he does a great job. Thanks again!:)
I've seen comments about him on the HAMB and everyone seems to love his work. You have a very expensive axle there. :):)

An interesting side note here. The heavy axle was introduced with the '32's as a commercial axle and is listed as such in the eary '32 parts catalogs. in mid '32, Henery made some changes for the benefit of the new v8. The heavy axle was then listed as a v8 axle option. production ceased in mid '33. new ons were available well into '34. Most folks couldn't justify spending the extra $8.

$ 8.00 huh? They would probably shoot themselves if they knew what those babies bring now. :):lol::laff: Of course, the first 32 coupe I had my Dad bought for me and it was only $25.00. Wonder where that one is today? :sad:

A pack of Lucky's or Camels was 5 cents too!


Opps sorry Camels wheren't available till '38 at 6 cents a pack.

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