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Hello everyone, Glad to have found this site!


New Member
Several years ago (back in the early 90's), I purchased a mostly completed T-Bucket from a friend. Shortened Model A frame, 37 Ford pickup front end, 1980 Mazda RX-7 Engine and Transmission, 1973 Mazda RX-2 Rear end. The tub is pretty small and was Made by Ford Reproductions in the 60's I was told. Anyone have info on these bodies? When my friend got it , there was a Sunbeam Alpine powertrain( too bad it wasn't a Tiger!). He, being a Mazda Service instructor, decided rotary power was in order , Hence the RotaryTee. I never finished the car but took it to several shows in the CT and Massachusetts area. The last event I went to was the New England Summernationals in Worcester, MA in July of 1997. Total Performance was there with some of their latest projects as well as Sam Memmolo from Shade Tree Mechanic with the Green T that they built on the show. I got some nice pictures with my T next to the Shade Tree T and even had a mention in Street Rodder Magazine. Even thought the car wasn't finished, it was nice to get the recognition.
Shortly after that show, other priorities took over and unfortunately the T project went on the way back burner. I drained the fuel and put about a quart of ATF in each rotor housing.
About a month ago I decided it was time to resurrect the T. I had been to a few rat rod shows and was inspired to do something with mine again. After all that time, the engine turned over freely and the fuel system was pretty clean. After I fix a clutch slave cylinder issue, I will be ready to fire her up again.
The car was never registered. It has only rear brakes and no shocks at all. The rear wheels are 13" Ansen Sprint aluminum slots and the fronts are subaru white spokers with MG Knock-off centers welded to them. Headlights are original Model T, taillights are Volkswagen snowflakes.
I look forward to using this forum to come up with ideas for brakes, suspension,etc and will post some pics as soon as I can.
Thanks Again for having this forum!
Glad to have you here! When you get a chance, post some pics and let us see what ya got. Sounds interesting.
OH ya. It sounds to me like pics are deffinetly in order. sounds cool.

One of those "will never get built" ideas I had years ago was a rear engine Mazda rotary to VW transaxle T Bucket.

I find the old Wankel engine fascinating.
Welcome to the group Mike, I'm really looking forward to seeing pictures of your bucket. I've never owned or worked on one but rotary engines have always fascinated me.
There's a track style T running round down here with a supercharged rotary in it. Welcome along to the forum
Welcome Mike :tip: When do we get to see her? :spy:
Looks like a challenge getting in there.
Lets try here.



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