23 bucket-t
New Member
Hi, I found this site thru T Feverfred, thanks Fred. A little about my self. I'm 47 I work in a machine shop { gun drilling } been there for the last 17 years. I got into hot rodding when i was a kid but it took when i was 40 to go out and get one. I was looking for a 31 ford roadster but I did not have the cash for one. the last thing I wanted was a t~bucket
then I saw one in the Bargain News that was within my budget still not wanting one of those things went and checked it out in the poring rain and I know that was an Oman ....................................... so I bought her home the next day that was 6 years ago. A friend of mine, she told me that I should give her a name, and as I was thinking of a name for her as I was watching t.v. flipping thru the channels and B.B. King was on one of them so I stopped and he was tilling the story of how he named his guitar.... { Lucille } .. that's it her name is Lucille................... I just want to say i hope every on has a Happy & Safe Cruise Session............ [ 23 ]