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Hello from Fort Wayne Indiana


New Member
Hi everyone.

I have always loved the T buckets mainly the C cabs. I really want to build my own and have put if off for years because other stuff was needing my attention and I was a little worried about building my own at my skill level. But now I have restored a 78 ford truck (sold it) and currently working on a 66 mustang (my dad bought in 67) that hasn't run in 40+ years. I'm pretty sure my skill level is high enough to start collecting stuff for the build.

My plan is to follow the forums for a while and read how you guys and gals are doing all your builds. I will be collecting items for my build and start planning this build while I finish my mustang. So I can hit the ground running.

I do have a few opening questions hope you can help with. I plan on building my own frame and buying a Fiberglass body then building the C Cab top out of metal. I know it will be a lot of work but the fiberglass bodies are $500-700 and the C Cabs are $3,000. I really don't want to sped a extra $2,000 on the top when I'm pretty sure I can do that my self. How many of you have built your own or does everyone just buy the fiberglass ones? I saw a show were the guy used the fiberglass body and used plywood for the top, it looked cool and should work fine I just would rather have something metal for the top.

My rough goal for the car will be something my wife and I could drive around a few nights a week, take to car shows(maybe 2 a year) and something fun to drive. I think I have a ford 302 I can use for the car that should be more then enough power to get the car going even it is it stock 175-200 hp. Would also like a manual transmission but will have to source that when the come comes. I don't plan on making a daily driver but I want something reliable enough to be a daily driver.

Thanks for any info and can't wait to get started reading/learning.
Welcome from St Louis, Stephen. Sounds like you have given this a lot of thought. C-cabs are cool and there's certainly a variety of them out there. Are you looking to build the "bob tail" version, or one with room behind the seats?

Rod%20Stovall.jpg Cool C-cab.jpg
Check out Spirit Cars, as they are into C cabs and have a lot available in that area: Spirit Industries

Their fiberglass C cab has a composite honeycomb reinforced top, that's the way to go.

They have a good Facebook presence and a ton of videos on FB and YouTube to answer most of your C cab questions.

You can buy a solid jig welded frame usually for less than you can source the steel and do it yourself for.

Let Spirit's experience building turnkey C cabs save you tons of work, money, dead ends and re-do's.

Welcome from St Louis, Stephen. Sounds like you have given this a lot of thought. C-cabs are cool and there's certainly a variety of them out there. Are you looking to build the "bob tail" version, or one with room behind the seats?

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Thanks for the welcome and on the bob tail version question I have never heard that term. But I don't really think I'm going to do back seats I would like the rear area big enough to hold some suitcases or maybe our dog. I kinda like the idea of the double rear doors that swing out. I know they will be small but I like that look of a delivery type truck.

Check out Spirit Cars, as they are into C cabs and have a lot available in that area:

Their fiberglass C cab has a composite honeycomb reinforced top, that's the way to go.

They have a good Facebook presence and a ton of videos on FB and YouTube to answer most of your C cab questions.

You can buy a solid jig welded frame usually for less than you can source the steel and do it yourself for.

Let Spirit's experience building turnkey C cabs save you tons of work, money, dead ends and re-do's.


I have looked a little at the Spirit stuff and it does look nice. A few years ago I found a book online about building t buckets in your garage I don't recall the name of it but I'm sure you guys have seen it. They have blue prints for building frames in your garage and doing some research then I could buy the metal pretty cheap, I know the labor of welding isn't really free but I enjoy that stuff so I don't mind doing it. Learned to weld on my sons jeep and it has really saved me a ton of money doing stuff my self. But that is part of the reason I'm here I know I don't know it all and need advice from those people that have already done this stuff.
I have a photo of the car I really love car no idea who made it or if it every got finished but the back windows are awesome and it has a nice Gothic feel. But I can't post the pic until I get more posts. TO keep from just posting for no point I will wait until I get them the normal way.
Welcome Warhawk. Reply to this post with just one word for each post, a seven or eight word reply and BOOM you can put up pictures. There is always a way around the system. I think you are on the right track. Each future T-Bucket Driver decides where they want to "take over" the build based on their comfort level. Some buy the frame, some buy a kit, some buy a whole compete car. Some build everything (including the bucket) themselves. None matters as long as you are having fun with it.
Welcome Warhawk. Reply to this post with just one word for each post, a seven or eight word reply and BOOM you can put up pictures. There is always a way around the system. I think you are on the right track. Each future T-Bucket Driver decides where they want to "take over" the build based on their comfort level. Some buy the frame, some buy a kit, some buy a whole compete car. Some build everything (including the bucket) themselves. None matters as long as you are having fun with it.
Good idea
I know we all bring our on skills and goals when we do this type of stuff. My goal is to build a fun car to drive and not be worried of breaking it. When I break it I will know how to fix it because I built it all.

But buying one someone else started and lost interest would save a lot of money.
Here is the car I really love. Very Gothic look and I really like the square bumper/door area.

I found this c body build thread on a different set of forums. The guy New Interiors that forum. Man I have to finish my mustang so I can build one of these.

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