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HELLO from Los Angeles! First T Bucket Build


Hey everyone!

New to the forums and to T Buckets in general. TBH up until this point I have had only a little bit of experience with some basic mods on imports. I've been wanting to take on a project like this for quite some time and I'm excited to be joining the community! Tried posting a pic of my bucket, but I see that I need to complete a few more posts first...

It's titled as a 1922, re-built 350 dual carb engine with about 3K miles on it, 350 tranny, and for the most part runs decent, but was built by a hobbiest and I can already anticipate all of the work that needs to be done from brakes to suspension to major layout changes of the cabin. I'm just in the process of setting up my workspace and getting all my tools together. I definitely want to make sure that the car is safe (install some front disc brakes), but not really sure where to start in terms of rehab after that. Without listing every mod to be completed, does anyone have any general guidelines or suggestions for the order of getting things done?

It sounds like you are doing a similar project to me. I bought a car that was built years back with only rear brakes, and I didn't like the controls, etc.... My advice is figure out exactly what you have, decide what you want it to be, then start researching to see what will best work to get there. Parts compatibility, etc... There are some good threads in this site with others efforts that will help point you in the right direction. Good luck!
Welcome to the forum from Yukon, OK
Owww its a yellow Bucket. Works for me.
Hey Shwab, welcome from One Finger John in the SFV ! I think you will find that T's are kinda a combination of stone age and kinda exotic. And sooooo simple. Make a spec book and a separate build book. PM me if you would like advice or opinions.

Welcome from Yukon, Oklahoma!!!

Where do you live in Oklahoma?
I saw your car several times during the cruise, but you were only in it once(not driving)......
won't they let you drive it or ride in it! hehehe?

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