I just thought I would say hey.I am building a 23 T.It's about 1/2 way complete.It has been a great learning experience.I am looking forward to learning even more.You guys sure have some nice rides and projects also.Keep up the great work.Neal
Those are my pics.Thanks for posting my pics LumenAl.I did'nt know you did that.I couldn't figure out how to get them on here.It's been a while since I have posted.I'll try to get more pics on here.Right now I am getting ready to install different engine mounts and engine frame mounts.I had about 2"s of oilpan clearance w/bare block,heads and trans shell.I also have added a few leaves to the front spring.This has and is a great learning experiance for me.I have been going over all of you guys great post and you have been a great help .Much thanks.
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