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hi, and "'superior radiators"


New Member
I am new to this site, but have a 'almost" finsished '23 t bucket, and am Lookin to replace a leaking radiator I now have. My question and concern, is I like the price and looks of a "superior radiator" but I have read some very bad comments about them. Does anyone know facts and truths about their t-bucket radiators? Also they dont come with"dummy" inlet on top, how would I adapt to add this? thankyu for your time, GREAT site
Welcome to the forum!:lol: The one I had was great. Fit perfect and my car NEVER overheated and I used an engine mounted fan. Others will chime in and I think you'll be pleased.

Now..... let's see pics of what ya workin on!:lol: We like pics!
tbucketlgb said:
I am new to this site, but have a 'almost" finsished '23 t bucket, and am Lookin to replace a leaking radiator I now have. My question and concern, is I like the price and looks of a "superior radiator" but I have read some very bad comments about them. Does anyone know facts and truths about their t-bucket radiators? Also they dont come with"dummy" inlet on top, how would I adapt to add this? thankyu for your time, GREAT site
You can epoxy the dummy on top of the aluminum rad as long as you rough it up some with 60 grit or there abouts.
I have used several of their radiators. I have had no problem at all with their stuff. They will put inlets and outlets where ever you want them. They are all welded no epoxy!
RPM said:
I have used several of their radiators. I have had no problem at all with their stuff. They will put inlets and outlets where ever you want them. They are all welded no epoxy!
Ron he was asking about how to put a dummy neck on is the only reason i brought up epoxy.
well i have one fits great works great my car runs 160 in florida heat with no problems ,altough the first one i ordered called them up and sent one right out good guys .
Rick said:
Ron he was asking about how to put a dummy neck on is the only reason i brought up epoxy.

I thought he was asking about the quality of the part! As he said he had heard some bad things about them. I said they are welded not epoxy, the Griffin ARCA radiator I have is epoxied as are many of the new radiators.

Yes you can put a dummy neck on with epoxy also.
I have one -made to the grille shell. 3 row -reasonable price .ONLY problem I've heard is SLOW service but good radiators.
I have one -made to the grille shell. 3 row -reasonable price .ONLY problem I've heard is SLOW service but good radiators.
Hey Butch27, Your double clutching. :lol::doh:
Number for Superior

Anyone have a number or website ect. I have a radiator that has had he electric fan mounbted on the engine side and it has plastic things running through to the other side with a clip. I had a radiator repair place look at it and said that the holes the made will gradually get bigger and eventually rub and cause a leak> How is everyone else mounting their fans and also the hotrod and for and streetrod emblems. are they just stuck on with silicon to hold them or some kind of glue?
Thanks for your hel
Da Harleydude:rolleyes:

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