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Hi for England


New Member
Hi all, just found this site so I thought I'd better register & take a look around.

My name's Al & I live just on the South East edge of London, England. The T I'm building has been my dream since I was 12 years old [45 now], here's a brief spec.

241ci Dodge Red Ram Hemi
TH350 on a Wilcap adaptor
Dropped & drilled Model A I beam on a buggy spring/'40 brakes & spindles
'57 Chevy rear on buggy spring
Mid Sixties Mustang steering box
'57 Pontiac Chief dash

The car was originallly built here in '68 by this countries first supplier of 'glass Hot Rod bodies, a bloke named Geof Jago. He's pretty much responsible for supplying every 'glass body & chassis package here throughout the '70's & most of the '80's. My car was pictured in the very first issue of Custom Car magazine in '70, the mag's still going strong.

I think that's enough from me, I'm off to try & find some enthusiasm as I've not touched my car for months.

Cheers, Al
Welcome Al, Don't get discouraged my bucket is 20 years old and not finished yet.
Welcome Al! I would love to see oictures of your T. This is already a great site and has all the ear marks of becoming even greater. It is always refreshing to hear from our brothers from the UK. Hope you enjoy what you see here.

Thanks for joining us! You're story is like mine in that I also am living out a dream. I look forward to reading about and seeing your T Bucket. :D
Welcome to the forum:D


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