Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

hi from ky


started my T in march of 06 finished it in may of 07. it is not a kit built frame and all of the brackets myself . it has a sbc 350 700r4 and s10 rear. iam 63 yr young and having a ball.
Glad to have you aboard, Bill. Got any pics? We LOVE pics!:D
Welcome Bill, Congrats on only taking a year to build your bucket. Can we see it? :D

Just in case it hasn't been said, Pictures - inquiring minds need to know
Put your pics in the gallery like you do with photobucket, then we can get them posted here.
There ya go Bill. Beautiful car. :cool: The pics are in your gallery too.
Nice build Bill!! Glad to have you here. Welcome!

I like the color combo, but I'm a little bias!:lol:
thanks guys i started the T in a borrowed shop. and had to move to a cleaner shop { long story } as you can see from the pictures. i have made alot of updates since thoes pictures were taken. i had alot of good advvice while i was building the T from a friend by the name of RPM who lives about 3hrs from me.

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