I wonder when people will finally wake up to what's going on.
^^^ This.
choppin, the bottom line is they are not going to wake up. The state is already telling its lies, it will continue to tell its lies, and the taxpayers will keep electing the same idiots, time and time again. No, really, the great State of Oregon doesn't want to know where its taxpayers are, every minute of every day, they are just doing it to balance out road-use taxes. Trust them. Why would they lie?
No, it's too late for people to wake up. We're a cat's breath away from an economic implosion, we cannot seem to find a way to impeach the elected liars, and everyone is walking around like everything is hunky-dory.
I see alleged 'patriots' posting this kind of nonsense on FaceSpace, and laugh as I imagine them pounding on their breasts as they post it. But what none of them can understand is they have already complied. Their parents complied for them, when they were born. C'mon, it's time to stand up and be counted.
How many of you do not have a valid birth certificate?
How many of you do not have a valid Social Security card?
How many of you do not have a valid driver's license, and for those who don't, how many of you do not have a state-issued ID card?
How many of you do not own at least one vehicle that is registered in your state of residence?
How many of you do not have mortgages on the homes where you live?
How many of you do not pay your income taxes, each and every year?
How many of you do not carry a balance on at least one credit card in your name?
How many of you do not carry a check-cashing/discount card for at least one store?
How many of you have not provided valid identification during the purchase of any kind of weapon? (And please, keep that to yourself)
Don't tell me how you refuse to comply, you've already rolled over and played dead, dozens of years ago. Anywhere and everywhere there is an account number associated with your legal name, that is a instance of compliance.
You say you won't submit, but I am telling you that you are already a submitted slave. Every day, you get up and go to work, to pay for all those things you cannot afford. You come home from work, only to dream about having even more things, which means you will just be forcing yourselves into working harder and longer. You are not free, and you have never been. Why would the state demand your birth to be registered, if you were well and truly free? Why must that birth certificate have a number on it? Never thought about that, have you?
Why is it that if you go to the bank to borrow money for a vehicle, for a home, for home improvements, etc., you never get to see the actual money? If you borrow $25K on a new car, does the bank hand you 250 Franklins, to take to the dealership? Why not? Didn't you just sign away a significant portion of your life to paying that $25K back to the bank? Then why don't you ever see it?
Are you aware that a private banking division of J.P. Morgan, in Singapore, is poised to start charging negative interest rates? Get that, a bank who is willing to pay you to borrow money? Want to know why? Because the U.S. is bankrupt, that's why. Every country in the world is now in CYA mode with compliance paperwork, simply because the U.S. is bankrupt. Now, stop and ask yourself what will happen when the rest of the world drops their use of our dollar, and adopts another currency? She ain't gonna end well, boys and girls. Let's face it, if you go pull a dyer sheet out of a box, it is worth more than the dollar bill you pull out of your wallet.
Are you starting to see you can rattle your sabers as loudly as you like, but they ain't nobody listenin'. Go on with yourselves, tell me again how you think it is time to "take back our country".
Riddle me this - exactly who do you think you are going to be taking it back from? Tell me, exactly who do you think took it away from you, in the first place? No one ever took it from you, you gave it away!
Make no mistake, there is very little left I want more than to see this country restored to the status it held when I was a child. But what people cannot comprehend is that it is already too late. Whilst you were getting all outraged about America's mythical and made-up Islamic State (which is neither Islamic, nor a state, by the way), foolish programs like Affordable Health Care nurtured and grew. (Have you seen, the media now wants you to add China as a possible threat to your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. What a hoot!) Whilst you were getting all wound up about the former Confederate flag's apparent new status, Congress was setting you up for the fornication of your lifetime, by rubber-stamping the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
You've not been paying attention. At least not until now. And now is already too late.