Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Holiday Chassis Brackets Sale


Forum Sponsor
CCR has built a few new chassis brackets to add to our line of quality Laser Cut items.
The most relevant to the T Bucket Guys is our new Corvair Bracket that fits both the Stock and Flaming River steering boxes. The second is the Vega bracket that we use on our 26-27 and A' frames, but can be used on any model you wish. Good thru December, 2012
Corvair Top Plate only #21701-A TBF $12 each
Corvair Plate and Gusset (tacked in place) #21702 TBF (std body) $20 each
#21704 TBF (long body) $20 each
Vega Bracket and Gusset w/spacers #29710 TBF $25 each

All other CCR Chassis Brackets will receive a 20% discount for the month of December, 2012

29710 szd (2).jpgNew Corvair Bracket szd 2.jpgNew Corvair Bracket szd.jpg

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