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New Member
Hello y'all, Hey I'm from Texas, if you did'nt already know that. This is my 1st post and I'm not so good at typing (hunt&peck) I joined this site for imfo. I'm building a t-bucket, I bought the frame from Spirit Ind. A 23 track-T, I have run the brake lines from the M/C along the inside of the frame. I have a 10 bolt rear end w/brackets welded on, I have a 4" dropped tube front axle fitted for ford spindles, I got the axle kit from speedway. It was fitted for radius rods w/clevises, but I had some more brackets welded on for a "4 bar setup" I still need some brackets welded to the frame. The frame is fitted for a chevy 350/350trans. I got a 350 motor, which I'll need to rebuild, The project is coming along slowly, but I want it done right! I'm sure I will find alot of imfo on this site with all of the T-bucket "freaks" out there. sorry for the long post, I'll be around...Scott.
Post a pic or two Scott. And welcome to the site.
welcome to the site scott. you're looking for info? we got it! ask your question, someone will have an answer for you.

:lol: This is the place to be for tbucket info glad your building one, your post is not to long, it's nice when someone tells us a little about themselves. have fun with your project. Francis
Keep up the posting with pics. Are you putting a proportioning valve and residual valves? A adjustable proportioning valve is what I would say is a must with the rear end of these cars being so light.Enjoy
Aw yes another fellow Texan,,
Sounds like you have a great start ..Lots of good information here,
and post up some pictures ,,,
Where at in Texas are you from ,,
OK, I'm only going to say this once, Texas is a BIG place. Where in The Great State of Texas are you?:)
(El Paso is closer to LosAngeles than to Brownsville!)
oh, and Welcome to the T-Bucket Forems!
Ted Brown said:
have I been spelling forum wrong all this time??? :)

Settle down Ted. It's not nice to criticise people with dyslexic fingers here on the phorim, er uh phorem, er whatever.
Ted i think we could all use a refresher spelling class from time to time.
they don't call ir Bake for
Ted I believe it is spelled IT not IR.
I have heard that a couple broke down in Texarkana and the wife was 9 months along had their baby their got the car fixed and by the time they drove to El Paso they enrolled the kid in first grade :)
:doh: I stepped in that one Al :welcome:

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